
Golden Retriever

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Otto Lucky Miss Chelsea

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Otto Lucky Miss Chelsea
Samuel Wesley Harmon Pithan
Mom's Olympic Gold Tess
Otto Chelsea Jake Clark
Fletchers Golden Big Jake
Buechting's Orion
Glorybee Windwalker
Glorybee Wild Whim
Glorybee Wild Widgeon OD
Glorybee Wild Meadow
Glorybee Wild Honey Bear
Glorybee Wild Honey Bear II
Glorybee Wild Willie
Glorybee Wildest Sensation
Buechting's Honeygold Medea
Chelsea Schmuck Elder
Sandridge Satch
Sandridge Brassy Lassy
Sandridge Sassy Sue
Canejo King
Miss Lucky of Syracuse
Miss Ginger Of The Donegals
Molly Mist Of The Isles
Cooper's Steamboat Skipper
Princess Samantha Of Penstock
Sir Beckett
Dusty Shaemus in the Wind
Cherrywood's Dust In The Wind
Cherrywoods Glorybee Promise
AM CH Cherrywoods Memory Maker
Cherrywood Gusto's Wheaties (12.5 years)
Taffy Pull Regans
Miss Heidi Of The Isles
Daves Big Golden Brutus
Baroness Sandi Taffy
Miss Missy of the Isles

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