
Golden Retriever

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Amberac's Angel Kasil

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Amberac's Angel Kasil
Amberac Snowshoe Speedwagon OD
Amberac's Midnight Speedtrap
Am Ch. Amberac's Light Speed
Amberac's Freeway Speed
Amberac's Bogart Scooby-Doo
BISS Am. Ch. Summits Crocodile Rock OS SDHF (OFA GR-EL5971M78-PI)
Summits Lyric Poetry
Am/Can Ch. Summits N Eldorado Skyrocket
Summits Classic Rock
Am/Can Ch. Summits Rockin And Reelin
Summits Rock Hudson
Am. CH Summit Miramichi Rock On
Am/Can CH. Summits Rockin New Years Eve (OFA GR-EL1801-T)
Am. CH Summits Limited Edition OS SDHF
CH Summit's Taylor Maid CGC, TDI
Summit's Wind B'nth My Wings
Summits Duet Glyden Cascade
Am. CH Can BIS Ch Thornelea's Unintentionally CD OS CGC
Thornelea's Skybird
Am CH Thornelea's Super K of Marigot
Adagio's Summit Sonic Wave OD
Sir Morris Minor
Bunky Adagio Dinquer
Adagio's Golden Daylight
Adagio's I Love Lucy
Am. CH. Adagio's Shoot 'Em Up Cowboy SDHF
Am. CH Ladera Winchester D'Adagio
BISS Am. Ch. Summits Mysterious Ways OD SDHF
Summits Carrera Wind Chill
Summits Way Of The Wind
Summits Goldstorm Ropin The Wind
BIS BISS Am CH Suntory Loveit A Cherrybrook VCD1 CDX JH OA WC OS SDHF (OFA GR-EL3320M110)
Am/Can CH Golden Pine Tres Cherrybrook CD JH WC OD
Cherrybrook's Buffalo Bill
Cherrybrook's Bonny Belle
Cherrybrook's Abbey Road
Cherrybrook Lauren's Bogart
Cherrybrook's Abou Ben Adhems
Am CH. Summits Mystic Rhythms SDHF
Am. CH Summit's Myth Lasts Forever
Summits Playmaker
Summits Hawkhaven Laciboo
Am. Ch. Nautilus Amberac Asilken
Ch. Nautilus Silk Chiffon
Nautilus Silk Teddy
Can Ch. Nautilus Corn Silk Can. OD (OFA GR-EL384F24-T)
Ch. Nautilus Silk Socks
Ch. Nautilus Silk Degrees
Nautilus Racing Silks
Ch. Nautilus Silk Pajamas
Am/Can Ch. Nautilus Edgehill Crown Onyx OS
CH Edgehill Nautilus Class Act CD
Am-Bda.CH Edgehill Nautilus Abientot
Edgehill Nautilus Crystal
Edgehill Nautilus Fast Track
Edgehill Nautilus Maxmilian
BIS BISS AM-CAN-JAP CH Edgehill Nautilus Calypso Jo WC OS SDHF
Am. Ch. Edgehill Nautilus Mz Behavin OD
Edgehill Nautilus Ti-Amo
Am/Can Ch Edgehill Nautilus Sea Sprite
BIS BISS Am. Can. CH Asterling's Jamaica Verdict OS SDHF
Asterling's Manhatten
CH Asterling Lanai Lalenia CD OD
Ch. Asterling's Tahiti Sweetie SDHF
Am. CH Asterling Sandy Isle Sunrise
Am. CH Asterling Nantucket Skybird
Asterling Zanzibar
BIS Am./Can./Bda. CH. Nautilus Edgehill Diamen' Ice CD OD SDHF
Ch. Nautilus Twin-Beau-D Diamond OS
Am./Can. CH. Nautilus Magic Diamond CD JH WC VC CGC
Am. CH Nautilus Diamonds R Forever
Am. CH Nautilus Diamond Back Zack CD
Am. CH Nautilus Blue Diamond
AmCH Nautilus Diamond Schooner
Am. CH Nautilus Diamonds N Rust
Am. Can. CH Twin-Beau-D Nautilus Seastar OD
Twin-Beau-D Almond Joy
Twin-Beau-D's Jay-J's Joyy JP
Twin-Beau-D Brigadier
Am. Ch. Twin-Beau-D's Daytripper
BISS Am CH Twin Beau D's JJ OS
BIS Am CH Cloverdale Twin-Beau-D Joy OD SDHF
Cloverdale Farmboy Jackson
Sutter Creek's Famous Amos
Cloverdale Sutter Creek Tik-l
CH Cloverdale Pistol of Windsor
Cloverdale Demor's Sunrobin CD

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