
Golden Retriever

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Backgammon (SB454079)

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Backgammon (SB454079)
Blue X (11.5 years)
Goldie Christmas
Rainboend Windjammer CDX (10.5 years)
Rainboend's Saint Patrick UD
Am./Can. CH. Kyrie Firebrand Fidor Am./Can. CDX Am. TD WC, Bda. CD (6.5 years)
Kyrie Fiery Flicker CD
Kyrie Fidelio CD
Kyrie Fire O'Gold
Goldenstone's Filia of Kyrie CD
Beckwith's September Issue CDX (13 years)
Beckwith's Imperial
Mex. CH. Beckwith's Copper Image
Am./Can./Mex. CH. Beckwith's Copper Ingot OS
Christy Bailey
Tia Maria Of Mayfair
Robin Hood of Foristell
Nikolai Tolstoy
El Dorado Of Diego
Friar Tuck Of Sherwood
Sir Oro Shad UD
Stablemate's Dodie Triever
Ontario Shores Golden Taffy
Am. CH. Danke Schon Of Fire Hill
Bitte Sehr Of Fire Hill
Fire Hill's Tigger
Fire Hill's Florence
Fire Hill's Guinevere CD
Tricrown Farms Tomtom
Tricrown Farms Bongo WC
Callipan Timberdoodle Daisy
Golden Derringer Of Callipan
Am. CH. Ontario Shores Golden Star
Muster Field Farm's Golden Jo
Golden Dream Laddie
Roblorkenglen's Honey Dawn
Beloved Undine of Truell Pond CD
Am. CH. Poly's Whistler's Loge CD
Page's Tammy
Poly's Whistler Alexandra
Whistler's Calico
Am. CH. Truell Pond Pele CD
Am. CH. Maple Leaf's Trace-O-Copper OS (12.5 years)
Am. CH. Maple Leaf's Copper (11.5 years)
Am./Can./Bda. CH. Brynmar's Millicent Am. CD OD
Am. CH. Maple Leaf's Golden Lancer

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