
Golden Retriever

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Ch.Gua, de Mex Mund ?07 Beyond Frontiers of Landlord

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Ch.Gua, de Mex Mund ?07 Beyond Frontiers of Landlord (Other GU-A-28133)
Ch. Gua, Sal Absolute Diamond of Landlord (Other GU-A-28132)
Ch. Gua, Sal, Mex, Lat, Inter For Ever Yours of Landlord (Other GU-A-28134)
WW'06, Am CH/ Col CH&GCH/ Arg CH&GCH. Ag-Golden Age Diamond Intican OS SDHF (AKC SR23566501)
Gr. Ch. Ec. Ag-Golden Age Cuarzo'Intican
J.Ch.Braz. Ag-Golden Age Zafira' Intican (Other A2252)
Ch. Col. Ag - Golden Age Onix Intican
Ch. Col. Mex. Pe.Ecu.Int. Multi BIS. Golden Age Gorca's Cristobal Colon (AKC SN898555/01)
Golden Age Gorca's Clarins (Other LOC #41315)
Golden Age Gorca's Carola Herrera (Other Loc# 40065)
Golden Age Gorca's Roberta di C. (Other Loc 40064)
Ven CH. Allegro Gorca's One Way (AKC SN10487203)
Allegro One Shot (AKC SN10487208)
Allegro's Promised One (AKC SN10487207 (6-98))
Gorca's Murder She Wrote (Other LOC#34672)
Ven CH. Gorca's Splash Mountain
Ch.Ec./Ch.Col./VJAC Just Do It D'Euramerika (Other LER 5856)
Ch. Ec. VJAC. In your Dreams D'Euramerika (Other LER 5854)
PeCh. EcuCh. Allegro's Faera D'Euramerika (AKC SN45390112)
Tainsh-Faera Three's A Charm (AKC SN45390111)
EcuCh. ColCh. GCR.PR. Faera-Tainsh Rumor Has It (Other Loc #43288)
Faera-Tainsh Not Just A Rumor CDX (AKC SN49042204)
Am. CH. Faera-Tainsh Classic Rumor CGC (AKC SN49042205)
Can. Ch. Faera-Tainsh Scandalous Rumors (AKC SN49042201)
CH Faera-Tainsh Unforgettable Rumors (AKC SN490422/03)
Faera-Tainsh Rumors Will Fly (AKC SN49042206)
Faera-Tainsh Rumors Run Rampant (AKC SN49042202)
Faera-Tainsh Sirius Rumor (AKC SN49042208)
Ch. Gua, Sal, Hon, Int. Lat. CA. Abbsolute Essence of Landlord (Other GU-A-14191)
Ch. Gua, Sal, Int. Lat. CA. Ultimate Dejavu of Landlord (Other GU-A-14192)
Ch. Gua,Sal,Hon, Int., CA. Gold-Rush Oliver of Vanreel (AKC SN046609/05)
Casey Girl Loeser (AKC SN04660903)
Am. CH Calicos Challenge Of VanReel (AKC SE744056 (2-91))
Am. CH M And M's Fur Real Vanreel (AKC SF158572)
Am. CH. Vanreel's Absolutely Awsum OD (AKC SF-198846)
Am. CH VanReel's Mister Hollywood (AKC SE749230)
Am. CH Kazak's Marsha Mallow (AKC SE745092 (3-90))
Am. CH Stonecrest Whitney's Delight (AKC SE899096 (3-90))
Am. CH Monogram's Grand Finale (AKC SF469032)
Vanreels Amador Enchantress (AKC SF093098)
Vanreels Jericho Victory (AKC SE759070)
Gold-Rush The Right Stuff (AKC SF-285497)
Am. CH Skips VanReel Rockyrd Kazak (AKC SF060755)
Am. CH Dalanes VanReel Auburn (AKC SF-043051)
CH Vanreels Blonde Bombshell CD JH WC (AKC SF076342)
CH Vanreel's Max-N-Mom Effort OS SDHF (AKC SE749231 (7-89))
Vanreel's Cory Of Shiloh (AKC SE747147)
Gold-Rush Grand Allegro A-B (AKC SF132972)
Kazak's Jilly-Bean (AKC SE745745)
Am. CH. VanReel Magnum of Stonecrest CD OS SDHF, HIT (AKC SF060327)
Jem Harvey (AKC SF696761)
Gold Rush Elsa's Song (AKC SM69556201)
Gold-Rush Sara Ann (AKC SF222014)
Gold Rush Sweet Angel's Joy (AKC SE784636)
Ch. Gua, Mex, Sal, Hon Mystar Angel For Landlord (AKC SN50824801)
Ch. Nautilus Hurricane Of Mystar (AKC SN-317567/07)
Ch. Nautilus Mainsail Hurricane CGC (AKC SN-317567/06)
CH. EC. L. Nautilus Hurricane Andrew (AKC SN31756701)
Nautilus Mystar Hurricane Sos (AKC SN-317567/05)
Ch. Nautilus Granitgold Hurakate (AKC SN317567/08)
CH Laurell's Last Laugh Mystar (AKC SN19332101)
Laurell's Last Starburst (AKC SN19332104)
Laurel's Max To The Last (AKC SN19332106)
Laurell's Last Hurrah (AKC SN193321/02)

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