
Golden Retriever

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Will Dilg Walton Boy

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Will Dilg Walton Boy
Will Dilg Ike
Will Dilg Thrill
Will Dilg Bounce
Will Dilg Spirit
Will Dilg Sir Prize
Tri-Stada Don Dee
Will Dilg Flame
Synsto's Riptide **
Synsto's Step N' Fetch It
Synsto's Titian Belle
Synsto's Jake's Boy
Am. CH. Duke Of Sandywood
Am. CH. Sidram Shining Star UD OD
Red Baron Of Sandywood
Dutchess of Sandywood
Sidram Sunbronze Sandy
Kathy of Sandywood
Sunset Buccanner
Lady Ginger (S303317)
Crosstown King Of Sandywood
Am. CH. Zag Of Sandywood
Am. CH. Zig Of Sandywood CD
Willow Spring Rusty
Featherquest Patton CD
Jay Hill Josephine
Featherquest Golden Lady
Featherquest Chip's Splinter
Featherquest Taffy
Am. CH. Featherquest Paydust
Featherquest Trigger UDT OBHF
Featherquest Bob White
Featherquest Nimrod
Featherquest Parma Belle
Featherquest Robin
Featherquest Roger Wilco
Featherquest Rusty
Featherquest Topaz Lass
Featherquest Binker
Featherquest Rebecca
Featherquest Saffron Sprite
Featherquest Pamela
Featherquest Toby
Featherquest Sutter's Gold CD
Tri-Stada Honey Bea
Tri-Stada Atomic
Tri-Stada Rex
Tri-Stada Rip
Tri-Stada Rocket
Tri-Stada Stardust
Tri-Stada Rusty
Am./Can. CH. Des Lacs Laddie of Rip's Pride CDX OS
Tri-Stada Cookie
Am. Dual CH. Stilrovin Rip's Pride OS DDHF
Am. CH. Krasnodar / Krasnodar Of Kingswere
Stilrovin Michael's Rip
Stilrovin Bride
Stilrovin Kennelquest Duff
Stilrovin River Rat
Stilrovin Sis
Stilrovin Smokie Jo
Tri-Stada Golden Dawn OD
Rip Of Golden Grail
Masaka Of Wynford
Marquis of Plucketts
Eng. CH. Masterpiece of Yeo
Gold Dust Of Yeo
Eng. CH. Anningsley Fox
Melbray Lynx
Eng. Dual CH. Anningsley Stingo
Haulstone Gay
Princess of Slat
Neville Of Slat
Stella Of Slat
Anningsley Minx
Wynhole's Gaylass
Roger (unregistered; c.late1930's/early 40's)
Seal of Glendra

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