
Golden Retriever

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Pride Of Queens

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Pride Of Queens (AKC S832948 (10/58))
Mona Of Belmont (AKC S784422 (1/1960))
Am. CH. Royal Host Of Wildwood (AKC S957316 (2/1961))
Beau's Golden Jill (AKC S858319 (6/1960))
Oswin Of Newhaven (AKC S480257 (11/51))
Dear Gussie (AKC S446672 (6/1951))
Ulithi Blaze (AKC S466885 (9/51))
Lewellyn (A846947) (AKC A846947)
Sexton (A846948) (AKC A846948 (9/1945))
Michael of Deer Creek (AKC A316355 - 5/1939)
Peter of Deer Creek *** (AKC A316357 (5/1939))
Susie Q Of Deer Creek *** (AKC A316352 - 5/1939)
Meal Ticket Of Deer Creek (AKC A423638 (9/1940))
Pay Day Of Deer Creek (AKC A423654 (9/1940))
Vera Zorina Of Deer Creek *** (AKC A-316348 - 5/1939)
Anastasia Of Deer Creek (AKC A316351)
Eve's Adam Of Deer Creek (AKC A316356- 5/1939)
Karen Of Deer Creek (AKC A316349- 5/1939)
Kira Of Deer Creek (AKC A316350 - 5/1939)
Rip's Valentine Of Deer Creek (AKC A316353 - 5/1939)
Tamara Of Deer Creek (AKC A316347 - 5/1939)
Tsarina Of Deer Creek (AKC A316354 - 5/1939)
Mon Ami of Deer Creek (AKC A423637 (9/1940))
Betsy (A608001) (AKC A608001 (10/1942))
Am. CH. Cubbington Rip-Tide (AKC A-653341 (4/1943))
Pride Of Chrislee (AKC S057713 (1-47))
Goldy Rip-Zor (AKC A676267 (8/1943))
Gallant Of Wooley (AKC A656118 (5/1943))
Tuppington (A676418) (AKC A676418 (8/1943))
Duchess Of Rinconada (AKC S154177 (1/48))
Serena Tide (AKC S308711 (9/49))
Sheride Of Stockdale (AKC S253117 (1/1949))
Mr Cid Of Bay Shores (AKC S253139 (1/49))
Buck Of Stockdale (AKC S290638 (6/1949))
Czar Of Back Bay (AKC S438579 (4/51))
Peter Del Oro (AKC S253140 (1/49))
Acee Of Back Bay (AKC S454632 (7/1951))
Sunny Of Back Bay (AKC S360841 (4/50))
Big Mike Of Balboa (AKC S254297 (2/49))
Ripple Del Bayo (AKC S446692 (6/1951))
El Capitan Del Bayo (AKC S031985 (10/1946))
Heydown Amber (AKC A990134 (5/1946))
Amber of La Cresta (AKC S086104 (5/1947))
Happy Of Leighton (AKC S007832 (7/1946))
Happy Riptide (AKC S006337 (6/46))
Wendy of Roedare (CKC 189595 (1945))
Sister of Roedare (CKC 192987 (1945))
Alberta Beauty of Roedare (AKC A758685 (9/1944))
Betty Of Roedare (CKC 184804 (1945))
Vic Of Roedare (CKC 192114 (1945))
Rusty Of Roedare (CKC 184500 (1945))
Pluto Of Roedare 2nd (CKC 188693 (1945))
Pluto Of Roedare (CKC 184805 (1945))
Pete Of Roedare (CKC 188694 (1945))
Lassie Of Roedare (CKC 189596 (1945))
John Of Roedare 2nd (CKC 184499 (1945))
Flight Of Roedare (CKC 184498 (1945))
Fogelvik Goldie Of Roedare (CKC 192617 (1945))
Starlight of Roedare (CKC 191700 (1945))
Golden Flicka (AKC S657997 (3/1955))
Am. CH. Beau's Boy Of Oakwood (AKC S-586745-unbred)
Tack of Northridge (AKC S791748 (10/1957))
Brazen Beau *** (AKC S204830)
Battle Lake Rocky (AKC S231186 (11/48))
Harbor City Jaabo (AKC S193554 (6/1948))
Roy's Stonegate Tucker CD (AKC S195246 (6/48))
Burntside Lady Louise (AKC S197293 (6/1948))
Amber Jill CD (AKC S198270 (6/48))
Spikeleo OS (AKC A670330 (7/1943))
Belle (A795143) (AKC A795143 (3/1945))
Bayou Bob (AKC A663929 (6/1943))
Mark (A791661) (AKC A791661 (2/1945))
Flight of Taramar (AKC A724291 (4/1944))
Solo of Taramar (AKC A724292 (4/1944))
Am. CH. Alex Of Taramar (AKC A-724290-4/44)
Lexa Of Taramar (AKC A593376(8/1942))
Lex Of Taramar (AKC A593374 (8/1942))
Sassy Lassie Of Taramar (AKC A593377 (8/1942))
Taramar Minx (AKC A593378 (8/1942))
Taramar Spar (AKC A593375 (8/1942))
Alexa Of Taramar (AKC A724289 (4/1944))
Zana Of Taramar (AKC A724293 (4/1944))
Zan Of Taramar (AKC A724294 (4/1944))
Oakcreek's Golden Spirit *** (AKC S300495 (7/1949))
Oakcreek's Roedare Quip (AKC S399067 (10/50))
Oakcreek's Roedare Yelme (AKC S399068 (10/50))
Oakcreek's Victorious Roedare II (AKC S399069 (10/50))
Oakcreek's Golden Bingo (AKC S170487 (3/48))
Oakcreek's Golden Breaker (AKC S170489 (3/48))
Oakcreek's Golden Premier (AKC S170484 (3/48))
Oakcreek's Golden Rambures (AKC S170483 (3/48))
Oakcreek's Golden Ritz (AKC S170488 (3/48))
Oakcreek's Golden Tranquil (AKC S170485 (3/48))
Oakcreek's Golden Trayle (AKC S170490 (3/48))
Oakcreeks Quip Of Roedare (AKC S384145 (8/1950))
Oakcreek's Golden Duffy (AKC S192388 (6/48))
Oakcreek's Golden Caesar (AKC S300494 (7/1949))
Oakcreek's Golden Yelme (AKC S375896 (6/50))
Oakcreek's Victorious Roedare (AKC S375895 (6/50))
Oakcreek's Royal Bremerton (AKC S337959 (1/50))
Oakcreek's Prince Michael (AKC S379831 (7/50))
Oakcreek's Golden Hord (AKC S300492 (7/49))
Oakcreek's Golden Thor (AKC S300493 (7/49))
Victorious of Roedare OS (AKC A940555 (2/1946))
FC Golden Beauty Of Roedare OD (AKC A246295 (7/1938))
FC Patricia of Roedare (AKC A-300261 - 3/1939)
Diana of Roedare (AKC A782905 (1/1945))
Quip of Yelme (AKC S-131007-10/47)
Grace of Yelme
Later of Yelme (KCSB 1339 AE)
Ready of Yelme
Fashion Of Yelme (AKC S131006 (10-47))
Spar of Yelme
Smudge of Yelme
Toby of Yelme OS (AKC S131003 (10-47))

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