
Golden Retriever

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Reginia Tawny Ginger

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Reginia Tawny Ginger (AKC SE556710)
Shaner's Gold (SB955486) (AKC SB955486 (9/1978))
Roughhouse Ruby Ann (AKC SB938707 (6/1979))
Roughhouse Jake (AKC SB166219 (8/76))
Brandys Lady II (SB981518) (AKC SB149421 (2/75))
Brandy Lady II (SB149421) (AKC SB149421 (2/75))
Blakeson Of Brownsmead (AKC SA896183 (10/1972))
Carter's Sunshine Jennie (AKC SA688703 (7/71))
Sundancer of Huntington Val (AKC WQ568403 (12-71))
Jackson's Golden Jill (AKC SA788965 (10/1972))
King Samual Of Lake Stevens (AKC SB292613 (6/74))
Rockets Ruby Begonia (AKC SB650983 (8-76))
Ribbon Ridge's Glimps O'Gold (AKC SB659152 (7-77))
Gwinn-Dell's King's Sun Chief CDX (AKC SB864765 (6/1977))
Joshua Kalib Morris (AKC SB659911)
Gwinn-Dell's Golden Wind Song CD (AKC SB779246 (4/1976))
Gwinn-Dell's King Midas UD, WC OBHF (AKC SA471769 (9/68))
Carmona's Willamette Topaz CD (AKC SA753103 (2/1975))
Carmona's Sargeant Rhone (AKC SA750761 (11/71))
Carmona's Bronco (AKC SA744521 (11-71))
Lady Duchess Of London (AKC SD402519)

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