
Golden Retriever

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Golden Worker best Kacee

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Golden Worker best Kacee
Golden Worker best Finley
Golden Worker best Bracket
Golden Worker best Haylee
Golden Worker best Tyson
Golden Worker best Odin
Golden Worker best Brandon
Golden Worker best Simon
Golden Worker best Naomi
Golden Worker Challenge Indiana
Golden Worker Challenge Cherokee
Golden Worker Challenge Georgia
Golden Worker Challenge Maine
Golden Worker Challenge Connor
Golden Worker Challenge Yosemite
FTCH Baverasen's Zeb
B?verasens Zeb
B?ver?sen's Zalus
B?ver?sen's Zpearow
B?ver?sen's Zalix
B?ver?sen's Zeta
SEJ(j)ch B?ver?sen's Zicoria
B?ver?sen's Zoya
B?ver?sen's Zena
FT. Ch. Kennaird v.d. Woudstreek
Kind Glennys v.d. Woudstreek
Kaby v.d. Woudstreek
Keen Morris v.d. Woudstreek
King Jordy v.d. Woudstreek
Hunting Ghento v.d. Woudstreek
Hazel v.d. Woudstreek
Handsome Dazzle vd Woudstreek (15 years)
Garby v. d. Woudstreek
Glint v.d. Woudstreek
Gabber v.d. Woudstreek
SJCH Doubleuse Seazally
Doubleuse Seacruise
TJH Doubleuse Seabird
Doubleuse Seashell
Doubleuse Searover
NJCH SJCH Doubleuse Seaswallow
Seamas Mhor of Clancallum (13.5 years)
Tender of Alster
Dunnock of Beeston
SJCH Tatmore Snipe
SJCH Doubleuse Griddlebone
LP SLCH SJCH Doubleuse Macavity
Doubleuse Rumpleteazer
Doubleuse Bombalurina
Doubleuse Jellylorum
Doubleuse Grizzabella
Doubleuse Jellicle-Cat
Cool Marker's Angel
Cool Marker's Apollo
Cool Marker's Armani
Cool Marker's Anna-May
Cool Marker's Archie
Happymover Balszac (11.5 years)
Happymover Berryl
Deutscher Arbeitschampion Happymover B.C. Pearl (15 years)
Happymover Ben
Happymover Biloux
Happymover Brave
Happymover Bellis
Joe's Jeff (12.5 years)
Joe's Kira Wira
Joe's Sahna
Joe's Rollo
Joe's Tim (10 years)
Rayleas Lisbeth (14 years)
Rayleas Lydon
Rayleas Laris
Rayleas Lucianna at Stradcot
Fin. CH. Rayleas Lawrence
O'Myra of Graceful Delight
FT.W O'Teazle of Graceful Delight
Original Fame of Graceful Delight (12.5 years)
O'Malley of Graceful Delight
Odiham of Graceful Delight (2 years)
Outback Sunshine of Graceful Delight
Okley Dokey Snert of Graceful Delight
Orange Tangle of Graceful Delight
Lucky Luuk v.d. Woudstreek
Lucas v.d. Woudstreek
Little Spica v.d. Woudstreek
Lars v.d. Woudstreek
Limit v.d. Woudstreek
Little Joey v.d. Woudstreek
Lizzy v.d. Woudstreek
DKJCH Endrickbank Clover (11.5 years)
Ft Ch Endrickbank Celt
Endrickbank Caper
Endrickbank Cedar
Endrickbank Copper
Endrickbank Charmer (12.5 years)
Endrickbank Contender (14.5 years)

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