
Golden Retriever

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A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Idlewild & Lanzendorfer's Willow (OFA GR-83168F24F-PI)
Int CH Sunniehill And Twinpond's Hunter (OFA GR-64773G24M-T)
CanCH Sunniehill's Golden Nugget WC JH (OFA GR-65010G24M-T)
Am/Can/Int CH Sunrise's Singing In The Rain (OFA GR-45592G27M-T)
Am. CH Sunrise's Funny Girl
Sunrise's Lady Sings The Blues (OFA GR-44922G26F-T)
Sunrise's On A Clear Day
Jap CH Sunrise's My Fair Lady
Mult. BIS & BISS Am/Can CH. Asterling's Wild Blue Yonder OS SDHF CGC (OFA GR-33207F26M)
Asterling's True Blue
Am-Can Ch Asterlings Out Of The Blue CGC (OFA GR-33749F27M)
Asterling's Blue Persuasion
Asterling Blue Chip Dividend CD
Asterling's Blue Max
Am. CH Sunrise's Twist And Shout CD
Am. CH Sunrise's Norwegian Wood (OFA GR-38636G30M)
Am. CH Sunrise's Michelle
Am. CH Sunrise's First Noel (OFA GR-45423E29F-T)
Sunrise's Silent Night
Sunrise's White Christmas
Am. CH Sunrise's A King Is Born (OFA GR-53992G56M-T)
Sunrise's Rollover Beethoven
E T's Sunnie Tai-Tai Girl R (OFA GR-51223G26F)
T-Bar Country Southern Gent (OFA GR-53107G24M-T)
T-Bar Country Southern Stars (OFA GR-52919G24F-T)
Countryviews Golden Shadow (OFA GR-54261G34M-T)
Twinponds Sandra Of Phico
Hideaway Bo (OFA GR-37468G67M)
Wayward Wish Upon A Star CDX (OFA GR-29071G32F)
Red Fan's Champagne Bubbles (OFA GR-46891F33F)
Twinpond's Cry Of The North Wind (OFA GR-79478G34F-PI)
Faera's Twin Beauty (OFA GR-77283G27F-PI)
CanCH Twin Oaks Tailor Made (OFA GR-66221F24M-T)
Twin Oaks Penn Six Five O-O-O (OFA GR-66238G24F-T)
Am. CH Twin-Beau-D's Montego Bay OS (OFA GR-44457G24M-T)
Meadowpond Twin Oaks Tiff-Nee (OFA GR-41361G24F)
Am. CH Meadowpond Mack Truck (OFA GR-42912G29M)
Am. CH Meadowpond Laurell's Salute (OFA GR-43732G32F-T)
Am. CH Meadowpond Alberta Clipper CD GRCA OS (OFA GR-43578G24M-T)
Meadowpond Sir Spencer CDX TDX MH ** WCX Can. CD WCI TDI
Meadowpond If Frogs Could Fly
Meadowpond All That Glitters
Meadowpond Hells-A-Blazin'
Meadowpond Top MVP
Meadowpond Hayley
Meadowpond Samberdee's Keesha
Meadowpond Tonka Truck
Meadowpond Morning Mist
Meadowpond Victory Rallie
Phico Patriot Southern Beauty
Phico-Rock'n Robin (OFA GR-78026G33F-PI)
Phico-Southern Patriot Max (OFA GR-76493G26M-PI)
Phico C C Dalton
Phico C C Logan (OFA GR-68722G24F-T)
Phico-Ginger Bell
BISS BVISS AM/CAN CH Starleyoncore Takeittothe Max (OFA GR-64025G24M-T)
Phico Southern Bonnie Bell (OFA GR-62959G32F-T)

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