
Golden Retriever

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Wochica's Ruler Of The Valley

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Wochica's Ruler Of The Valley
Am GCH & Can CH Wochica My Promised Land OS (OFA GR-96964F24M-PI)
Wochica MY Copilot CGC
Ch. MY Wright Bros. Flight One (OFA GR-80652F24M-Pl)
Am CH MY Golden The Lone Eagle (OFA GR-80819F24M-PI)
Ch. MY Wright Bros. Flight Two
Ch. Toasty's Sting Like A Bee SDHF OS (OFA GR-63861G24M-T)
Am/Ven Ch. Toasty's Fly Like A Butterfly
Am. CH Toasty's Don't Bug Me CD (OFA GR-66688G33F-T)
Toasty Float Like A Butterfly (OFA GR-66533G32F-T)
Toasty's Peach Muffin
Toasty's Astro
Toasty's Bug In A Rug
Toasty's Dipsy Doodlebug
BISS Am. CH Sunbeam's Worth The Wait SDHF OS (OFA GR-54296E24M)
Ch Sunbeam's Just You Wait (OFA GR-55808E28M)
AmCH Sunbeam Heaven Can Wait OD (OFA GR-54295E24F-T)
Am CH. Sunbeam Waiting For Applause (OFA GR-54538G25F)
Am. CH Toasty's Caramel Dream (OFA GR-47511G24F)
Am. CH. Toasty's Everything Nice OD (OFA GR-47687G24F)
Toasty's Jeanmarie V Crosscrk CD
Am. CH Toasty's Dust In The Wind II SDHF OS (OFA GR-49730G30M)
Am. CH. Toasty's Windfall (OFA GR-47576E24M)
Toasty's Airs Above The Ground (OFA GR-47510G24F)
Am. CH. Toasty's Rock 'N Roll SDHF (OFA GR-47512G24M)
Toasty's Taken By Storm
Toasty's Wind In The Willow (OFA GR-54421G45F)
Ch. MY First In Flight OD (OFA GR-61676G29F-T)
Ch. MY Bearhill Enola Gay (OFA GR-62604F32F)
CH Edgehill Its Not EZ Be'N Green (OFA GR-44993G24M-T)
Edgehill Char-Tine's Danny Boy
Edgehill Chances Are Dublin
Edge Hill Irish Spring CDX TD (OFA GR-44549G24F)
Am. CH Edgehill Leapin' Leprechaun OD (OFA GR-44558G24F)
Edgehill Green With Envy (OFA GR-44783F24F-T)
Edgehill Lookout Lil Blarney CD TD SH WCX OD (OFA GR-44523G24F-T)
Edgehill Bragon Molly Malone (OFA GR-46777F31F-T)
Edgehill Tipperary Temptress CDX AX OAJ NAP NJP NAC-V (OFA GR-76179F119F-PI)
CH Briarwood MY Hi Flyin Legend SDHF OD (OFA GR47413G25F)
CH Briarwood Legend Continues (OFA GR-47479F25M)
Wochica's MY Heavenly Body (OFA GR-88079F31F-NOPI)
Wochica MY Celestial Body (OFA GR-85935G24F-PI)
AmCH Wochica My How High The Sky (OFA GR-88080F31M-PI)
AmCH MY Sky Watcher SDHF OS (OFA GR-77226G24M-Pl)
Ch. My Chebaco Knight of Flight (OFA GR-87181G28M-PI)
Am. CH Toasty's Dust In The Wind II SDHF OS (OFA GR-49730G30M)
Am. CH. Toasty's Everything Nice OD (OFA GR-47687G24F)
Toasty's Jeanmarie V Crosscrk CD
Am. CH Toasty's Caramel Dream (OFA GR-47511G24F)
Am. CH. Toasty's Windfall (OFA GR-47576E24M)
Toasty's Airs Above The Ground (OFA GR-47510G24F)
Am. CH. Toasty's Rock 'N Roll SDHF (OFA GR-47512G24M)
Toasty's Taken By Storm
Toasty's Wind In The Willow (OFA GR-54421G45F)
CH Briarwood MY Hi Flyin Legend SDHF OD (OFA GR47413G25F)
CH Briarwood Legend Continues (OFA GR-47479F25M)
Wochica's Stirring The Pot (OFA GR-75027F30F-NOPI)
Am. CH. Wochica's Causing A Comotion
Am Can CH Pebwin Making The Odds OS (OFA GR-59307F74M-T)
Am. Can. Ch. Pebwin Place Your Bets (OFA GR-46948G25F)
Pebwin Painted Daisy (OFA GR-46948G25F)
Am/Can Ch Pebwin Memorex OS (OFA GR43410G24M)
Pebwin Take A Bow (OFA GR-52574F24F)
Pebwin Major Blizzard
Pebwin Rave-on Merrymaker (OFA GR43173G24F)
Pebwin Rave-on Stratocaster
Wochica's Me Myself and I (OFA GR-64275G32F)

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