
Golden Retriever

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Englishman in New York av Vervik

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Englishman in New York av Vervik
Lady Sings The Blues Av Vervik (A/A)
One Night in Bankok Av Vervik (B/B)
DKCH Pennies From Heaven Av Vervik (B1/B1)
Have You Met Miss Jones Av Vervik (A/A)
SU(U)CH NORDV-03 NUCH, VWW-08 Erinderry Gaelic Minstrel (A/A (2003))
Erinderry Gaelic Summer (BVA(3:6))
Erinderry Harry Potter of Ventess (BVA Hip Score 8:8)
Erinderry Gaelic Song (BVA 6:4)
Erinderry Gaelic Mist (BVA 6:4)
Erinderry Gaelic Breeze (6:7)
Erinderry Hannah of Salako (BVA 6:4)
Erinderry Hamlet (30:25 (4 years old))
Sh. Ch. Erinderry Gaelic Gold Of Glenavis (BVA Hip Score 5:4)
Erinderry Hercules (11:10)
Eng./Irish SH. CH. Erinderry Diamond Edge Of Glenavis (BVA Hip Score 5:6)
Tyrol Philosopher's Pride (5:5)
Erinderry Diamond Debonair of Learmount (8:10)
Tyrol Philosopher's Joy at Erinderry (3:4)
Erinderry Diamond Addition (5:3)
Erinderry Diamond Ice (6:3)
Eng./Irish Ch. Papeta Philosopher Crufts 1994 Winner (Unknown BVA Hip Score 2:3)
Papeta Phyllida of Glenavis (4:4)
Papeta Phedra Of Okus (BVA Hip Score 2:2)
Papeta Phenella Of Trentwood
Papeta Phydeaux (3:3)
Irish SH. CH. Erinderry Amber Of Tyrol (BVA 3:4)
Erinderry Aire Of Learmount (5:6)
Ir. Sh. Ch. & Int. Ch. Erinderry Firebird (BVA 6:4)
Aust Ch Erinderry Firecracker of Glenavis JW (3/4)
Ir Sh Ch Tyrol Evening Shadow (BVA 5:6)
Tyrol early sunrise
Tyrol Voltaire
Tyrol Socrates At Larun (27:27)
DKCH(U) Tyrol Victorious Voyager (A2)
Tyrol Sharissa of Goldenheights (6:6)
Galalith Charlie Girl (BVA Hip Score 4:3)
Galalith Challenger (6:5)
Galalith Court Jester
Galalith Cream Cracker (OFA GR-52284G76M)
GB./Irish CH. Galalith Crown Prince Of Tyrol (BVA 3:0)
Epleboom av Vervik
DK CH Eplegutten av Vervik (0/0)
NuCh. Epleskrotten Av Vervik
SU(U)CH NUCH Eplepai av Vervik (A/A (2002))
Multi Ch & Multi W Tottelina Observer (A/A (2000))
Tottelina Opera
CanCH Tottelina Orchestra (OFA GR-81041G47M-NOPI)
2xCAC, R.CAC Tottelina Orchid In Snow (B/B(199?))
Tottelina Othello
ChFin Tottelina Oaktown Oliver (0/0)
V-WW'98, MultCh, DUCH, NUCH, VDHCH Blakesley Cromwell NV-95 NV-96 NORDV-97 (Sweden HD U (6/1994))
Blakesley Camilla Of Amblemere (BVA Hip Score 10:9)
Blakesley Charmain (A/A)
Blakesley Crusoe of Nortonwood (4:8)
Blakesley Chekers
Blakesley Chekers At Forbendale (11:11)
IntCh, ChFin, BDSG-00 Dream Max Pulp Fiction (A/A (1996))
Dream Max Exotica (A1)
Dream Max Specialisten
Int & Fin Ch, FinW'00 Dream Max Drop Zone (A1)
NUCH Dasty Golden Daffodil (A (199?))
Dasty Buttercup
Dasty Chamomile
Dasty Lily of the Valley (UA (3/10/1997))
Fin. CH. Lovehayne Darter (A1)
Lovehayne Divinity
Lovehayne Dasher of Dreamwel
SU(U)CH Dasty Human Touch (UA 6/30/1993))

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