
Golden Retriever

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AGMCHV2 SHDCH Goldcker Nextylucyrightytighty CD RE XPV JTV CGN RL1 Am RN OAP OJP NFP CGC

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

AGMCHV2 SHDCH Goldcker Nextylucyrightytighty CD RE XPV JTV CGN RL1 Am RN OAP OJP NFP CGC
Goldcker's Next 2 The Tracks
Goldcker's Next Chapter (OFA GR-103388E53F-VPI)
HRCH Can CH Goldcker 1Drdogs Next Pushover SH NA NAJ NF WCX OS Can MH WCX TD UTD AGX AGXJ IP JT RN VCX (OFA GR-97239E24M-VPI)
Goldcker's Next1 Gets The Duck
Goldcker's Next Stone Unturned
Goldcker's Next Twist
Goldcker's Whatts On Next
Goldcker's Next Time Around
Can. Triple CH FTCH AFTCH OTCH Firemark's Push Comes to Shove Can. WCX Am. *** OS (OFA GR-81163G30M-PI)
Firemark's Big Sky Casseopia
Holcroft's Clyde
Firemark Genes By Calvin
Sadie May Firemark
Firemark's Foxy Lady Of WDCRK
Firemark's Shadow of No Doubt SH WCX (OFA GR-88123F30M-NOPI)
FC Wraiths HTR MN Bro Macdhuibh OS (OFA GR-58474G24M)
Hunters Moon Lady Trapps LKS
Hunter's Moon Nightcap MH ** (OFA GR-53684E28F)
Hunter's Moon Sonoma Scout
Hunters Moon Stolichnaya
Hunter's Moon Holly
Ronakers Hunter's Moon Kate II
Wraith's HNTRS MN Mac Dhuibh
Hunters Moon Arctic Phelpsie
Quailoaks Hunter's Moon Kassi CD SH WCX (OFA GR-59484E27F-T)
Hunters Moon Slam Duncan
Gypsy Darwin Anderson
Hunter's Moon Trick 'R Treat JH (OFA GR-61644G33F)
Hunter's Moon Rugby SH (OFA GR-59438G27M)
Hunter's Moon Kestrel SH (OFA GR-62350E35F-T)
Hunters Moon Kkkkatie Foord MH *** (OFA GR-43636E25F)
Hunters Moon Tam O Shanter ** OD (OFA GR-43949E26F)
Hunter's Moon Mighty McTavit *** (OFA GR-52040G24M)
Hunter's Moon Travel Charlie Am-Can *** (OFA GR-43379G24M)
AFC Wraith's Hunter's Moon Kirby MH WCX (OFA GR-43390G24M)
Wraith's Duncan MH *** OS (OFA GR-23010G24M)
Sky Hi Cotton Sage (OFA GR-23128)
Ronakers Cotton Candy WCX *** (OFA GR-23009)
Hunter's Moon Madcap *** OD (OFA GR-35738G33F)
Hunter's Moon Jedfoord MH *** (OFA GR-35374G30M)
Meadowpond Budderscotch Baby (OFA GR-34478E28M)
GMHR Phoebe's Prize Piponia CDX MH AX AXJ WCX CCA VCX OD (OFA GR-54823G32F-T)
Gold Rush Jessie V (OFA GR-65570G58F)
Charming Charlie III (OFA GR-82434G86M-NOPI)
Gold Rush Charlotte III
Phoebe Katie Scarlett
Garrett Elwood James
Zach's Boy Rusty
Chris's Lady Kate
Phoebe Elizabeth Hunter
CanCH AGMCHV Goldcker's What's Next RE CD CGN Am OJP NAP NFP RN TNE WVN (OFA GR-86634G32F-PI)
Goldcker C I'm No Angel
Goldckers C Of Trouble
Goldcker C The Score
Goldcker CIA Agent
Can CH Goldckers C I've Got The Touch
Goldckers C Me Go
Goldckers City By A Sapphire C
CanCH Goldcker's What's In The Water CGN
Can CH Goldcker's What's The Buzz AGNJ CGN Am TN-N
CanCH, U-CH Goldcker's What's In The Beans AGNJ SMADC SAADC SAGDC (OFA GR-86635G32F-PI)
Goldcker's What A Blast
Goldckers What's Standing Tall
Goldcker's What's Cookin'
Goldcker's What's Your Hurry
Goldcker's What's So Hot
Am-Can CH Meadowpond River To The Sea CDX CGC Am-Can OS (OFA GR-55252E24M-T)
Meadowpond Alice Springs (OFA GR-76679G37F-PI)
Meadowpond Bak Field N Motion
Meadowpond Magnum Calibre
Meadowpond Reese's Pieces
Meadowpond Sunkissed Shauna
Meadowpond Sail The Blue Sea (OFA GR-55527G24F-T)
BIS U-CDX Am./Can. CH Can OTCH Meadowpond Chris Craft Am UD OS CGC (OFA GR-39679G26M)
Meadowpond Dakota's Chiara OD (OFA GR-39463G25F)
Meadowpond Strike Up The Band
Meadowpond's Katie-Did-It VCD2 CDX TDX MX AXJ EAC.EJC.NGC (OFA GR-42512G36F-T)
Meadowpond Shooting Star CD CGC TDI (OFA GR-46143G48F)
Meadowpond Ribbon Chaser NA (OFA GR-40285G28F)
Meadowpond Sierra Sunnybrae (OFA GR-39953G24)
Meadowpond Classic Honey Pie (OFA GR-39512E25F)
Am. CH Meadowpond Playin' With Fire (OFA GR-39210G24M)
Meadowpond Regency Fantasy (OFA GR-39165G24F-T)
Meadowpond Smart-Aleck (OFA 39166G24)
Am/Can Ch Meadowpond Teasel CDX OD (OFA GR-30551F24F)
Can. CH Meadowpond Wingfield's Tory UD JH WC VC Can. UD (OFA GR-31100G26M-T)
Can CH Goldcker's What's In The News AGXS AGXJS RE CGN VCI Am NAP NAJP NFP TN-E (OFA GR-74103F26F-PI)
Goldcker's Follows The News
Goldcker's Foreign Correspondent
Goldcker's North Street News
Goldcker's Town Cryer
Goldcker's Hot Off The Press CGN Am CGC
Goldcker's Nine In Ninety Nine
Goldcker Headlines Daily
CanCH Goldcker Front Page Story
Mutli BIS/BISSAm.Can Ch. Auburnmist Sundays Best Terms Can AGN SDHF OS (OFA GR-62454F28M-T)
Auburnmist Sunday Morn'n Glory (OFA GR-60734F24F-T)
U-CD Auburnmist Got The Right Look AGMX SHDX CDX WC AADC Am FDCh OGC EJC EAC TNE CGC (OFA GR-47984F28F-T)
Auburnmist Bateman's Vision CanCDX

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