
Golden Retriever

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Allsea's Seger Written in Gold

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Allsea's Seger Written in Gold
Allsea's It's Written In The Stars
BISS CH Crescent O-Ee-Yah! Eoh-Ah! RN CGC OS
CH Crescent's Tin Woodman CD RA NJP NAP THD CGC
Crescent I'll Get U My Pretty
Crescent Off To C The Wizard
Am. Ch. Daybreak Varsity Jump OS
Daybreak Wedgwood True Wings
Daybreak Stars N Stripes
BISS Am./BIS Can./BIS Bda. CH Cherrybrook Touchstone JH WC SDHF OS
Am CH Cherrybrook's Raggedy Ann JH WC OD
Barnaby Of Cherrybrook
Can. Ch. Claircrest Daybreak Archetype
Claircrest Way To Go OD
CH Claircrest Romantic Type
Ch. Goldenwind Hailstorm OD BVISS
Goldenwind Take'em By Storm
Can. Ch. BPIS Goldenwind Storm Watch TT WC CGN
Goldenwind Peach of a Storm
Goldenwind C Veer Storm
BISS Am CH Goldstorm Moving Force BISS OS
Ch Goldstorm Carrera Best Moves
Ch Goldstorm Shanoah Mov'n Showgirl
CH Tempo's Joy To The World
Ch Tempo's Rockhill-A-Hula Baby
CH Tempo Charisma Luv Me Tender
Ch. Tempo's Viva Las Vegas
Ch. Tempo's All Shook Up
Multi. BIS BISS Am. Can. CH Tempo's Little St Nick Can SDHF
Tempo's Justin Time For Xmas
Can. Ch. Mariner Deck The Halls By Tempo OD Can. OD
BVISS(USA) Can CH Tempo's Star Carol At Creekside Can OD
CH Tempo's Man With All The Toys
Am. Can. Ch. Mariner Lil Sister By Tempo SDHF OD Can. OD
CH Tempo's Mwm Jingle Belle Rock
BOSS AmCH Harborview Centennial Pure Magic
Harborview Noble One Fine Day
Harborview Movin' To The Beat
CH Gideon Sweet Luck O'The Draw
Gideon's Sweetie Pie Blues
Am./Can. CH. Allenridge Bodacious Blue
Allenridge National Colors
Allenridge Leelanau Blue
Allenridge A Whistling Dixie
Catrina The Dancing Delight
Nobleridge Our Cameo Delight
Allenridge National Holiday
Allenridge Blazing Daisies
Hytree's Big Storm Brewin' NA OAP OJP
Int. and Mex. CH Honor's Hytree Big Tease TDI GCG and BISS
Harborview Where The Bouys R
Harborview Watch My Wake
Harborview Sea Breeze CGC, THD, TDIA
Harborview Perfect Storm
Harborview Sea's The Day
CH Tuxedo's Sonic Levitation OS
Tuxedo's Island Magic CD
Tuxedo's Bewitchin Hollywood
Parkerhouse Irish Cream
Parkerhouse Favorite Son CD, CGC
Parkerhouse Luck O The Irish
Parkerhouse Pink Champagne
Parkerhouse Logan's Run

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