
Golden Retriever

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Mollie And Marcus' Princess

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Mollie And Marcus' Princess (AKC SN51589604 (11-99))
Beyers Lacey Lin (AKC SN31317908)
Christy Lane (AKC SN31317907 (6-97))
Lakelands Sir Gentleman Rhet (AKC SN31317903 (6/97))
Mistydawn's Marcus (AKC SG042190 (10-91))
Rio's Goldust Stride (AKC SM85708306)
Wilson Bends Golden Russet (AKC SE490925)
Shumars Missouri Lady (AKC SE808806)
Big Buck IV (AKC SE351412 (3-87))
R U Able (AKC SE109959 (09-85))
Crispin Nakita Aurelia (AKC SE061261 (11-85))
Miss Naughtia (AKC SE065985 (09-85))
WBS Here Comes The Mistydawn (AKC SE893960)
WB's Here Comes Son Of Linus (AKC SE893959)
Golden Penny XXXVII (AKC SE952918)
Am./Can. CH. Morningsage Here Comes Linus Am. UD, WC; Can. CDX (AKC SC843483 (02-83))
Am./Can. CH Morningsage Some Punkin OD (AKC SC921203 (12-82))
Am/Can CH Morningsage Sunrio Sandman (AKC SC-778959)
Am. CH Morningsage Mariah Moon (AKC SC889045)
Wilson's Bend Golden Peach (AKC SD934318)
Sherrys Sunshine II (AKC SE247519 (4/87))
Soldier Kreek Mollie (AKC SN08991402 (3/95))
Soldier Kreek Sir Fredrick (AKC SF485891)
Chase's Rambo (AKC SE629202 (6-87))
Golden Dingo (AKC SE050392)
Brandi's Mindy Joe (AKC SM86907310 (2/93))
Brandi's Misty Joe (AKC SM86907309 (3-93))
Brandi's Treasure Joe II (AKC SN19253105 (6-96))
Brandi's Treasure Joe (AKC SN19253102 (4-96))
Campe Joe (AKC SE349927 (10/89))
Cornhusker's Brandi Duke (AKC SE770897)

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