
Golden Retriever

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Tonkahof Sag ***

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Tonkahof Sag ***
Tonkahof Idyl
Tonkahof Sioux ***
Tonkahof Siwash
Tonkahof Saugituck
Tonkahof Sangamon
Tonkahof Dark Gold CD ***
Tonkahof Indian Chieftain
Tonkahof Infielder
Tonkahof Dilly CD
Am. CH. Tonkahof Suwanee CD
Tonkahof Fellow CD
Am. CH. Tonkahof Fancy
Am. CH. Tonkahof Fleet CD *** DDHF
Tonkahof Faith
Tonkahof Finesse
Tonkahof Flicker
Tonkahof Frank
Tonkahof Friar Tuck
Tonkahof Furlo
FC Goldwood Tuck OS FDHF
Goldwood Tala
Goldwood Trigger
Wind of Woodend
Goldwood Topsy
Rockhaven Tuck ** OS
Rockhaven Michael Of Moreton
Rockhaven Zazu
Rockhaven Beau Brummel Can ***
Can. CH. Rockhaven Lempi
Rockhaven Dan
Rockhaven Rover
Can. CH. Rockhaven Maiha
Rockhaven Rival
Can. CH. Rockhaven Russet
Am./Can. CH. Rockhaven Harold
Rockhaven Dinah
Am. CH. Sprite of Aldgrove ** OD DDHF
Eng. CH. Golddawn Of Aldgrove
Am. CH. Tonkahof Bamby CD
Tonkahof Buckshot
Tonkahof Bacchus
Tonkahof Beebe
Tonkahof Betty
Tonkahof Blaze
Am. CH. Tonkahof Bang *** OS SDHF DDHF
Am. CH. Goldwood Pluto *** OS
Goldwood Ibbie
Goldwood Rocky
Goldwood Smuggler
Goldwood Windsor ***
Goldwood Ditt OD
Goldwood Bob
Goldwood Wallis **
Buff of Golden Valley
Sunshine of Golden Valley ***
Dawn Of Golden Valley
Ferdinand Of Golden Valley
Miss Of Golden Valley
Star Of Golden Valley
Am. CH. Tonkahof Ode
Am. CH. Tonkahof Orchid
Am. CH. Czar Of Wildwood OS SDHF
Am. CH. Twelve Gauge Skeet
Trigger of Twelve Gage
Highland Fling Of Twelve Gage
Wildlife of the Gage
FC Stilrovin Super Speed FDHF
Stilrovin Xpert
Stilrovin Hi-Speed
Stilrovin Hi-Velocity
Stilrovin Express
Stilrovin Jane
Stilrovin Super X ***
Stilrovin Tola
Stilrovin Vee ***
Stilrovin Ranger
Stilrovin Top Sergeant
Stilrovin Victory
Am. Dual CH. Stilrovin Nitro Express FDHF DDHF
Stilrovin Top Kick **
Stilrovin Victory Child
Stilrovin War Baby
Stilrovin War Bride
Stilrovin Trista
Am. CH. Stilrovin Shur Shot OS
FC Stilrovin Katherine OD
Beavertail Rock Ripple
Beavertail Goldbrick
Beavertail Goldigger
Beavertail Judy Starr
Beavertail Jane
Beavertail Jay
Beavertail Jean
Beavertail Jerry
Beavertail Jill
Beavertail Jock
Beavertail Joy
Beavertail Judy
Beavertail Julie
Beavertail Goldust
Beavertail Goldstrike
Tonkahof Gail **
Tonkahof Empress
Tonkahof Electra
Am. Dual CH. Tonkahof Esther Belle DDHF
Tonkahof Echo
Tonkahof Emblem
Tonkahof Encore
Tonkahof Ensign
Tonkahof Kilroy
Tonkahof General
Tonkahof Ginger CD
Tonkahof Go Bang
Tonkahof Golden Boy
Tonkahof Golden Girl
Tonkahof Goldilocks
Am. CH. Tonkahof Kelly
Am. CH. Tonkahof Bang *** OS SDHF DDHF
Tonkahof Buckshot
Am. CH. Tonkahof Bamby CD
Tonkahof Bacchus
Tonkahof Beebe
Tonkahof Betty
Tonkahof Blaze
Am. CH. Tonka Belle Of Woodend OD
Andy (A210755)
Tuck's Bang of Woodend
Golden Amber Of Woodend
Marigold Of Woodend
Dirk Of Woodend
FC Banty of Woodend
Nippletop of Woodend
Rod Of Woodend
Flash Of Woodend
Barbara Of Woodend
Twinkle Of Woodend
Sir Robert Of Woodend **
Grain Belt Of Woodend
Topper of Woodend
Peptwo Of Woodend II

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