
Golden Retriever

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Am. CH. Paribill's Happy Clarion

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Am. CH. Paribill's Happy Clarion
Am. CH. Gofar *
Wynfomeer's Kopy Kate
Veaudor's Darling Corey
Katey's Golden Spark
Am. CH. Ritz of High Farms OS
Golden Ginny of High Farms
Am. CH. High Farms Torch CD
Golden Gigi of High Farms
Am. CH. Feather Fetch Tucker
Am. CH. Golden Gal of High Farms CDX OD
Am. CH. Kael's Kate
Beauchasse Heracles
Beauchasse Herald
Elizabeth Of Ochil
Happy Of Paribill CD
Joe's Good Time Miss
Lorelei's Golden Deacon
Am. CH. Lorelei's Golden Show Girl
Lorelei's Golden Guinevere
Cristabel Of Nerrissida
Lorelei's Golden Sheen II
Am. CH. Prince Oberon Of Nerrissida
Red Devil Of Nerrissida
Am. CH. Golden Sunset Of Nerrissida
Am. CH. Stormy Weather Of Nerrissida
Elizabeth Of Nerrissida /Elizabeth Of Nerissida
Nerissida's Finderne Folly
Jackie-Boy Nerrissida
Am. CH. Virgil Of Nerrissida SDHF
Am. CH. Nerrissida's Finderne Folly II OS SDHF
Am. CH. Lorelei's Golden Robber
Whiskey Sauer
Am. CH. Lorelei's Golden Sheen **
Lorelei's Golden Glow
Lorelei's Sanchar's Garry
Lorelei's Sanchar's Wendy
Lorelei's Sanchar's Andy
Am. CH. Lorelei's Sanchar's Danny CD ** DDHF
AmCH AFC Lorelei's Golden Rockbottom UD OS SDHF
Lorelei's Sanchar's Tony
Lorelei's Golden Gypsy
Lorelei's Sanchar's Sandy
Am. CH. Lorelei's Golden Honey
Cozy Nook
Firethorn's Woody
Round Hill Prince
Beechwood's Saint Catherine
Sudden Sammy
Tigathoe's Whirlwind

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