
Golden Retriever

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Lexagold's Mark My Words

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Lexagold's Mark My Words
Lexagold's Moxie Monkey
Lexagold's Montesquieu
Lexagold Merairy for Papagend
Lexagold's My Man Gus
Lexagold's McKale's My Name
Lexagold's Merryweather n Jess
Lexagold's Money Talks
Lexagold's Mischievous Magpie
Lexagold's Me Two Please CCA, CGN
Goldteam U-Two (A1)
SUCH DKUCH SJCH Respons Specialist-Ten (B0)
Respons Solkatt-Ten (A1)
Respons Sextant-Ten
SUCH Amirene Larus (BVA Hip Score 5:4)
Amirene Innocence
Amirene Ichikoo At Ritaleo
Amirene Integrity (BVA Hip Score 5:5)
Fr. Dual CH., Swiss CH., Int. CH. Amirene Intrepid (BVA Hip Score 2:2)
Amirene Liberator At Delcott (BVA Hip Score 6:6)
amirene laird funnyline
SUCH Respons Quiche-Ten (UA (1992))
Respons Quantitet-Ten
Respons Quaint-Ten
SUCH DKUCH Goldteam Nice By Nature (A1)
LPI SUCH Goldteam Leading Like A Lion (Sweden HD U (12/11/1995))
Goldteam Living Like A Lord (Sweden HD U (2/1/1996))
Goldteam Looking Like A Lad (Sweden HD U (12/12/1995))
Goldteam Lasting Like A Lollipop (Sweden HD U (2/8/1996))
Goldteam Lightning Like A Lucia (Sweden HD U(12/18/1995))
SUCH DKUCH Goldteam Loving Like A Lady (Sweden HD U(12/11/1995))
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Cheer's Way Of The World (HD A (1994))
Cheer's Why Me (Sweden HD U (5/10/1994))
Cheer's Walk About (Sweden HD U (5/30/1994))
Cheer's Would I Lie To You (Sweden HD U (2/9/1995))
Cheer's Water Delight (Sweden HD Grade 3 (5/25/1994))
Cheer's Willy Nilly (Sweden HD U (10/6/1998))
V-WW'98, NORDV-94 NUCH NORDV-99 Cheer's What's New (Sweden HD U (6/1/1994))
Guldklimpens Ibis Ex Liberis (A1)
Can CH Lexagold's Too Hot To Handle WC, CDX (OFA GR-82830G26F-PI)
Lexagold's Her Lucky Shamrock (OFA GR-82829G26F-PI)
Lexagold's Hole in One
Lexagold's Herbert
Lexagold's Hometown Hero
Lexagold's Heart and Soul
Lexagold's Half and Half
Lexagold's Hey Wait for Me
Lexagold's Heritage Radcliffe
Lexagold's Hugs & Kisses
Can. CH. Dewmist Davenport Can/Am OS (OFA GR-68589E24M / OVC 005189)
Dewmist Diamantina (UA (5/11/1999))
Dewmist Dawnwatch (UA (5/11/1999))
Dewmist Dakotah (UA (5/11/1999))
Dewmist Daylander (UA (6/9/1999))
Dewmist Dappledown (UA (5/11/1999))
Dewmist Daleview (UA (5/17/1999))
Dewmist Derringer (UA (9/8/1999))
Swed. SH CH/Norw. CH Marjamez Masterpiece (UA (1/21/1998))
Marjamez Marguerita Time (BVA/KC Hip Score 4:7)
Marjamez Mexicali Rose At Forbendale (BVA/KC Hip Score 16:14)
Marjamez My Guy at Rossgilde (BVA Hip Score 6:7)
LPI Dewmist Dark'n Divine (UA (6/8/1994))
Dewmist Dennis The Menice (Sweden HD UA (6/8/1994))
Dewmist Down By The Sea (S35678/93) (Sweden HD UA (7/1994))
Dewmist Devil's Disciple (Sweden HD UA (6/8/1994))
Dewmist Dark As Dungeon (Sweden HD UA (5/1994))
Dewmist Dribs'n Drabs (Sweden HD UA (6/8/1994))
Dewmist Dancing in The Dark (Sweden HD prel UA (1/20/1994))
Dewmist Dance With A Dolly (Sweden HD UA (5/10/1994))
Dewmist Deep in My Heart (Sweden HD UA (6/8/1994))
OTCH Lexagold's Great Expectations WC JH
Lexagold's Guiding Spirit CanCDX
Lexagold's Go For the Gold
Lexagold's Guilty as Charged
Lexagold's Gallant Gentleman
Lexagold's Guardian Angel
Lexagold's Give Me A Hug
Can. CH. Cameo Dreamticket (OFA GR-50145F26M)
Can. CH Cameo Cascade In Gold (OFA GR-47867F38F-T)
Can. CH Cameo Castlekeeper CD (OFA GR-44427F27M)
Cameo Everlasting Dream
Am./Can. CH Cameo Dreams R Made Of This (OFA GR-48010G24F-T)
CanCH Cameo Dreamcatcher (OFA GR-48025G24F)
Can. CH. Cameo Dreams At Willowbryar (OFA GR-50501G31F)
Can. CH Cameo Charisma At Willowbryar
Cameo Perchance To Dream CDX JH WC
Cameo Dreamchaser
Cameo American Dream (OFA GR-49668G28M)
Cameo Golden Dream UD NA NAJ (OFA GR-48928G26M-T)
Cameo Field Of Dreams
Cameo Absolute Dream
Cameo Chloe Golden Cachet (OFA GR-49844G44F)
Cameo Calm Before A Storm
Cameo Cashmere
Cameo Coyote (OFA GR-44317G26M)
Am./Can. CH. Cameo Countenance Of Courage (OFA GR-43710G24M-T)
CanOTCH Wengar's Canadian Cierra (OFA GR-43947G30F-T)
Wengar's Canadian Chardonnay
Wengar's Canadian Challenger
Wengar's Canadian Charmer

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