
Golden Retriever

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Citrine's Tell Me Sweet Little Lies

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Citrine's Tell Me Sweet Little Lies
Citrine's Tell It Like It Is
Citrine's Give Me Your Answer Do JH (OFA GR-96444G25F-VPI)
Semper Wasatch Rocky Mtn Kai MH *** OS (OFA GR-61326E29M-T)
Semper Wasatch Mora The Same
Wasatch's Burning Flame
Wasatchs Duckbuster Ranger
HRCH Wasatch's Belle (OFA GR-60192E26F)
Wasatch's Sadee Mae Nevada (OFA GR-60076F26F)
Wraith's Duncan MH *** OS (OFA GR-23010G24M)
Sky Hi Cotton Sage (OFA GR-23128)
Ronakers Cotton Candy WCX *** (OFA GR-23009)
NAFC FC AFC Topbrass Cotton OS FDHF (OFA GR-10152)
Topbrass Sammamish Slew OD (OFA GR-10076)
Topbrass Kinetic Kelly (OFA GR-7374)
OTCH Topbrass Ric O Shay Barty Can CD WCX OS OBHF (OFA GR-7136)
Topbrass Misdemeanor CD TD (OFA GR-7394)
Topbrass Blazen Baron ** (OFA GR-11654)
Topbrass Markin Masterpiece ***
Topbrass Sugar and Spice UD TDX
Topbrass Custer **
Topbrass Patriot CDX TDX (OFA GR-10976)
Topbrass Apple Of My Eye CD (OFA GR-11516)
Topbrass Taco Belle (OFA GR-11636)
Topbrass Malcairn's Zephyr UD ** WCX (OFA GR-10093-T)
Topbrass War Cloud (OFA GR-11633)
Topbrass Yogi Bear CD (OFA GR-12787)
FC AFC Topbrass Mandy OD FDHF (OFA GR-7107)
Topbrass Tahi Choki (OFA GR-13392)
Topbrass Win Of Fox Creek WC (OFA GR-10118)
Topbrass Butter Up (OFA GR-10225)
Topbrass Floating Kelp Bed ** (OFA GR-11344-T)
Topbrass Entropy (OFA GR-15645-T)
Topbrass KC Frontrunner (OFA GR-12811)
Topbrass Katy (OFA GR-13564)
Emberain Lady Nell CD *** OD (OFA GR-17810)
Emberain Taken By Storm CD MH WCX *** OS (OFA GR-17495-G)
Emberain Red Pepper CDX JH WC
Emberain Smoke'n Comet CanWC CD (OFA GR-17607)
Emberain Aubrey's Jena CDX (OFA GR-17849)
Emberain Windy Cascade ** (OFA GR-25945F33F)
Emberain Smoke'n Bama Belle
Wasatch's Prairie Fire JH (OFA GR-50532G30F)
HR Wasatch's Ice Breaker JH OD (OFA GR-55477E46F)
Thistle Rocks Ruby (OFA GR-42069F24F)
Mo's FarToGo Speedy Peach JH *** WCX OD (OFA GR-48367G24F-T)
HRCH Wasatch's Desert Rocket (OFA GR-51766G24M-T)
HRCH Wasatch's Desert Cactus SH (OFA GR-42003G24M)
HRCH Wasatch's Smiling Jack MH
HRCH Mimi de la Cache La Poudre (OFA GR-42201E24F-T)
Sunny Sandy Max MH WCX *** OS (OFA GR-42391G90M-T)
Tartan Savoir Faire *** (OFA GR-48357F24M-T)
Wasatch's Dyna Mo Dust SH
Windbreakers Double Trouble (OFA GR-51829F26M)
Golden River Wasatch's Teal (OFA GR-49370G26F)
Storm Warnings Mo Devil (OFA GR-43803E31M)
FC AFC Windbreakers Mighty Mo OS FDHF (OFA GR-19196 Normal)
Windbreakers Ocean Pacific WC (OFA GR-19297)
Mallardiths Rowdy JH (OFA GR-26308G26F)
FC AFC Windbreakers Smoke'n Zigzag OD FDHF (OFA GR-15275)
Tartan Windbreaker
Windbreaker's Gold Huntress (OFA GR-27209G29F)
Windbreaker Echo Of Topbrass *** OD (OFA GR-19292)
FTCH AFTCH CanOTCH Windbreaker Bulrush Buddy Can FDHF Am CDX OS (OFA GR-22331F25M-T)
Windbreakers Shuttle Express MH (OFA GR-26737G28F)
Smoke'n Red's Howlin Mad
Frisbies Enchanted Case-Y *** (OFA GR-25831G24M)
Sharham's Flash Of Gold *** (OFA GR-14609)
NAFTCH FTCH Brasdor's Razzl Dazzl Am. *** OD Can. FDHF (OVC 007647)
Dusty's Golden Destiny **
Windbreaker's Smoke'n Top Gun (OFA GR-26168G44F)
Windbreakers Desert Dust *** OD (OFA GR-19928)
FC AFC Topbrass Windbreaker Zap OS FDHF (OFA GR-22104)
FTCH Windbreakers Khaki Kipp Am *** Can. CDX (OFA GR-16381-T)
Frisbies Olympia Gold ** OS (OFA GR-22137 Normal)
Windbreakers Red Smoke *** (OFA GR-19231)
Windbreakers Pandemonium *** (OFA GR-15212)
Windbreaker's Scout's Honor *** (OFA GR-22154)
Windbreakers Smoken Sunrise WCX *** (OFA GR-25852G24F)
Windbreakers Pestuous Gale SH (OFA GR-18181 Normal)
Windbreakers Sparklen Saber (OFA GR-26516G62F)
Tigathoe's Burnout (OFA GR-20268 Good)
Hot Shot Sugar Britches (OFA GR-27573G63F)
Windbreakers Razzle Dazzle (OFA GR-21983 Good)
Razz's Smoke'n Dixie Belle (OFA GR-26063G25F)
Smoke'n Red's Southern Comfort (OFA GR-30729G42M)
Smoke 'N Red Raider *** (OFA GR-15052)
MHR Sunshine Otis Spunkmeyer MH WCX *** (OFA GR-23519G32M)
Windbreakers Magic Carpet JH (OFA GR-33257G73F)
Windbreaker's Roxy Roller WCX *** (OFA GR-24640G36F-T)
HRCH Wasatch's Desert Jasmine MH OD (OFA GR-29797E24F-T)
Shadrack's Obsession (OFA GR-29826G24F)
Sundais Desert Rally
Desert Oasis (OFA GR-42836G76M)
Deserts Golden Glory JH ** OD (OFA GR-30122F25F)
Frisbies Special Export *** (OFA GR-29762G24M)
Citrine's I'll Tell You What (OFA GR-86734F49F-PI)
Starvale's Citrine Crown Jewel AXP AJP NFP CCA CGC (OFA GR-78969F24F-NOPI)
CH Citrine's No Whimps Allowed (OFA GR-62243G24M-T)
Citrine's Mayflower Madam (OFA GR-62337G24F-T)
Citrine's I'm Just Peachy
Citrine's I'm My Cup of Tea (OFA GR-62242G24F-T)
Citrine's No Fear (OFA GR-62368G24M-T)
CH Honor-Citrine's Easy as Pie (OFA GR-49762G24M-T)
Citrine's EZ Come EZ Go
Citrine's EZ'r Than It Looks (OFA GR-52030G24F)
Citrine's EZ As One Two Three (OFA GR-51950G24F)
Honor-Citrine EZ For U T'Say CD, NA, CGC
CH Citrine's EZ'r SedDanDun (OFA GR-51902G24M)
CH HonorCitrine Sugarmac How EZ (OFA GR-50582G27F)
Honor-Citrine Takit Ez On Me (OFA GR-49782E24F)
Fame Honor's Ive Got It Easy OD (OFA GR-38336G26F)
CH Fame Honor's I'Ve Got It All
Fame Honor's I'Ve Got The Life (OFA GR-38085G25M)
Am. CH. Fame Honor's I've Got Pizazz UDX TDX JH WCX VCX CGC SDHF OS (OFA GR-37684G24M-T)
Am. CH Fame Honor's I've Got Charisma CD (OFA GR-38086G25F-T)
Fame Honor's I'Ve Got It Made
Citrine's Two Steps To Starvale CCA (OFA GR-69571F24F)
Citrine's Two Good T'Be True (OFA GR-70746E29M-PI)
Am. CH. Fame Honor's I've Got Pizazz UDX TDX JH WCX VCX CGC SDHF OS (OFA GR-37684G24M-T)
CH Fame Honor's I'Ve Got It All
Fame Honor's Ive Got It Easy OD (OFA GR-38336G26F)
Fame Honor's I'Ve Got The Life (OFA GR-38085G25M)
Am. CH Fame Honor's I've Got Charisma CD (OFA GR-38086G25F-T)
Fame Honor's I'Ve Got It Made
Citrine's EZ As One Two Three (OFA GR-51950G24F)
Citrine's EZ Come EZ Go
Citrine's EZ'r Than It Looks (OFA GR-52030G24F)
Honor-Citrine EZ For U T'Say CD, NA, CGC
CH Honor-Citrine's Easy as Pie (OFA GR-49762G24M-T)
CH Citrine's EZ'r SedDanDun (OFA GR-51902G24M)
CH HonorCitrine Sugarmac How EZ (OFA GR-50582G27F)
Honor-Citrine Takit Ez On Me (OFA GR-49782E24F)

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