
Golden Retriever

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ABIGAIL Adekatos

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

ABIGAIL Adekatos
Jr Ch PL, Champion PL Akim Adekatos (FCI HD-A)
CH PL AISCHA Adekatos (HD B (2007))
Pl.Ch., Pl.Jr.Ch Diego Adekatos (FCI HD-A)
ABI Czar Megido FCI
Ch PL YANTE Adekatos Poland FCI (HD-A1)
J.Ch., Pl.Ch. CHIVAS REGAL z Zaglebia (A1)
Cordoba z Zaglebia
Ch.Pl. Costa Brava z Zaglebia (A1)
Int.Ch.,Pl.Ch.,Rus.Ch.,Cz.Ch.,Sk.Ch. Carlos z Zaglebia (A1)
Corolla z Zaglebia (A1)
MCh, CZ + SK + PL Ch CZ JCh Fortune Teller Golden Erinor (FCI 1-1)
CZ Ch Funny Fiona Golden Erinor (HDD 1/0)
Multi CH CZ Fabio Golden Erinor (2/2)
JCH.CH. Pl. AXELA z Zaglebia (A1)
Medium Apple Hailer Biale Zloto (FCI HD-A)
Medium Apple Hailer Białe Złoto
Pajero Apple Hailer Biale Zloto
ARIA APPLE HAILER Biale Zloto (A/A/2006)
MŁ.Ch.Pl Venlo Apple Hailer Biale Zloto (A/ 2004)
Agnes Apple Hailer Biale Zloto
Dutch Ch., Ger. Ch., VDH Ch., Ger. Jr. CH. Xanthos Apple Jack Europa Jgs Sgr01, Bundessieger06, Brussels Winner (BVA 3:3)
Xanthos Apple Charlotte (Sweden HD A (1/16/2001))
Xanthos Lemon Barley
Xanthos Master Quince
Xanthos Peach Melba
Xanthos Pineapple Pol
Xanthos Professor Plum (Sweden HD C (12/17/2001))
Xanthos Sherbet Lemon
Ch.PL Sybilla Cave Canem (A1 Free)
CAC, CACIB Lusus Cave Canem
Sophia Cave Canem
Ch.Pl.Ch.Lt.Ch.Lv SAGITTA - SAGA Cave Canem
Ch. Pl. SOKRATES Cave Canem (HD-A1)
Safona Cave Canem
Seneka Cave Canem
JCH.PL,CH.PL Eunice Biale Zloto Cave Canem (A1 Free)
Ch PL Pokusa ze Sztormowej (FCI HD-A)
PAULA ze Sztormowej
PAOLA ze Sztormowej
Champion PL POLYANNA ze Sztormowej (FCI HD-A)
J.Ch.Pl. J.W.CL.Pl.,Ch.Pl,3x CACIB, 2x Res. CACIB HARDY ALWIN Golden Erinor (FCI HD-A1)
Hannah Golden Erinor (HDD 0/1)
Happy Lady Golden Erinor (HDD 2/1)
Handy Imp of Golden Erinor
High Rival Golden Erinor (0/0)
Hennessy Golden Erinor (HDD 1/2)
Lux./VDH./Ger./Dutch Ch. Ritzilyn Man About Town Brussels Winner 1999 (B (199?))
CH CZ Annabella (CLP/GR/501/96) Club winner (0/1)
J.Ch.Pl, Ch.Pl. HERA ze Sztormowej
Int.Ch., Pl.Ch. Complement Unikat Nando (B1/B1)
Complement Umpire
Complement Ultima Ratio Regum
Complement Ukulele
Complement Uwaga Jestem
Complement UNCJA ZLOTA
Pl. Ch. Complement Uno Voce
Complement MINUTE MAID
LV W, LV CH Complement Molly (D/D (199?))
Complement Mystery

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