
Golden Retriever

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Jake Mr Whiskers Lucky Star

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Jake Mr Whiskers Lucky Star (Other B08-UW-BN-30851F)
Country Pride Kodiak Giant (AKC SN58093105)
Katie's Golden Sunshine (SN31802103) (AKC SN31802103)
Bowyers Minnie (AKC SN26401503 (10-96))
Troy Golden Boy Evans (AKC SN16561302 (9-95))
Sir Chauncy Duke Del Plato (AKC SN08269905)
Patee-Merrill's Miss Melanie (AKC SN04117311)
Patee Merrill Katie Scarlett (AKC SN04117310 (8-94))
Toy Hill Handy Andy (AKC SN16561305 (6-96))
Evans' Kimberly Sunshine (AKC SM92633804 (10-93))
Bergners Golden Dakota (AKC SF568499 (2-93))
Ms Mollie Meers (AKC SM92633803)
Pat's Frieda
Wildwood Golden Tiller (AKC SM99055604)
Imari's Joyful Windsong (AKC SN29829508 (9/97))
Imari's Gorbaczec (AKC SM99055601 (8/95))
Imari's Snow White (AKC SN29829503 (8/97))
Out-Back Jack (AKC SM91814107)
Renvolds JoJo Gold
Country Pride Zip
Country Pride Remington Steel (AKC SN79660309)
Star Lites Maverick Jo (AKC SN79660310)
Duke of Day II (AKC SN47867401)
Sammy Be Royal (AKC SN27532001)
Country Pride Pumpkin Seed
Pete of Crystal Blue
Lady of Crystal Blue

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