
Golden Retriever

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Darrowby's Tiptoe Through The Tulips

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Darrowby's Tiptoe Through The Tulips
Darrowby's Blossom Of Hypagardens (OFA GR-100452F25F-VPI)
My Darrowby Bluebon Net Queen
UCI International CH Hypagardens Delicious Coconut (OFA GR-97450E24M-VPI)
Endicott The Lord Of The Rings (HD B (12/3/2003))
Dutch Ch, KBHV-03 Kulawand Nordic Magic (HD B (10/8/2000))
Kulawand Nordic Secret with Amblemere (5:5)
Kulawand Nordic Venture (4:9)
Kulawand Nordic Sky
Kulawand Nordic Light (4:4)
Endicott Lill-Märta (HD B (6/30/1997))
Falleur's Hawaii (Sweden HD grad A 2002)
Whoopi's Noq Out (Sweden HD grad A 2000)
Whoopi's Nun On The Run (FCI A1)
Whoopi's Needles And Pins (FCI A)
Whoopi's News For Combine (FCI A1)
Dewmist Santillana (Sweden HD UA (1/22/1996))
Can CH Dewmist Santorini Can OS (OFA GR-55470G24M-T)
Dewmist Saratoga
Dewmist Silverado (5:5)
Int./Belg. CH. Dewmist Santiago (A1)
Dewmist Salamanca
Dewmist Shackleton
SU(U)CH NUCH Dewmist Savannah (Sweden HD U (1/31/1996))
Dewmist Samarinda (Sweden HD Grade 2)
Darrowby's Truth From Above (2009-05-14 HD grad A)
Darrowby's Henry Hudson (OFA GR-95182G38M-VPI)
Darrowby's Wild Irish Rose
Chloe's Star Of Darrowby
Darrowby's Fergus Games
One Ash Darrowby Mind Reader (OFA GR-85698G28M-PI)
One Ash The Beckoning Lady (OFA GR-84630G24F-PI)
One Ash Gabrielle Ivory (OFA GR-88625G37F-PI)
Linchael Titan Of Camrose (BVA 7:7)
Linchael Tryst
Linchael Teazle of Bramblebriar
Linchael Thera At Canossa
Linchael Trista (9:9)
Eng. SH. CH. Linchael Gullviva
Linchael Tapestry Of Strathearn (11:10)
One Ash Daffy-Down-Dilly OD (OFA GR-55831G26F)
U-CD One Ash Piccadilly Patriot UDX OA AXJ NJP Can-CDX (OFA GR-55284F24M)
One Ash Sierra Britainy (OFA GR-64484G51F)
OTCH One Ash Maxel Joli Champagne UDX7 WC CGC Can. CD OBHF
Darrowby's Lo How A Rose... (OFA GR-81692G24F-PI)
Darrowby's First Noelle
Can CH Darrowby's Eger Wassail (OFA 1050047 Good)
Darrowby Go Where I Send Thee (OFA GR-83571G29M-PI HIPS Jul 27 2)
Lislone Garbank Shillelagh
Can. CH. Lislone Garbank Shamrock
Lislone Garbank Parisienne
Lislone Garbank Saffron
Lislone Garbank Secreto
Lislone Garbank Shannon
Lislone Garbank Silhouette
Lislone Garbank Sovereign
Lislone Garbank Stena
Darrowby R-Sierra Camemberra (OFA GR-68024F24F-T)
One Ash Darrowby Bramble Pi (OFA GR-78461F25F-PI)
Can. CH. Darrowby R-Sierra High Flyer (OFA GR-71075F34M-PI)
Darrowby Addsum Flavor (OFA GR-79041G27F-PI good)
Darrowby Simple Twist O'Fate CD
Egers Darrowby Rogue (OFA GR-78467G24M-PI)

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