
Golden Retriever

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Sirius Hatteras

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Sirius Hatteras
Sirius Dali Chianty
Sirius Brodie Snowhite
Sirius Jazz (9.5 years)
Sirius Maggie First Kiss
Sirius Miss Dakota
Sirius Mao Shaoyan (12 years)
Sirius Milo
Sirius Dali First Kiss
Can. BISS CH. Cheek to Cheek Steve MacQueen (10.5 years)
Cheek to Cheek Undercover Agent
Cheek to Cheek Undercover Blues
Cheek to Cheek Sean Connery
Cheek to Cheek Sandra Bullock (13.5 years)
Trialer Cheek to Cheek Sharon Stone
Cheek to Cheek Sophia Loren
J.Ch.Pl,Ch.PL,LT,UA Cheek to Cheek Underground Velvet (11.5 years)
IntCh & Trialer, ChFr Gunmarsh Zachary (13 years)
Gunmarsh Caspar At Scarisbrick
Gunmarsh Zerina At Keichelle
Eng.Sh.Ch Perrimay Hugo Of Fenwood (11.5 years)
Perrimay Harriet
Gunmarsh Sophia JW
Gunmarsh Willow At Westkash
Gunmarsh Wisper Of Bellagold
Gunmarsh Sebastian JW
Cheek to Cheek Pink Panther (11.5 years)
Cheek to Cheek Pink Floyd
Cheek to Cheek Pink Emperor
Cheek to Cheek Pink Surprise
French.Int.Pol.CH. Trialer Cheek to Cheek Lucky Strike (13 years)
Cheek to Cheek Lucky Lord
Cheek to Cheek Lucky Spirit
Lux CH. Cheek to Cheek Lucky Star
French.Int.Ch. Trialer Siatham Roxelana (14.5 years)
NUCH Siatham Raynor (11.5 years)
Siatham Renita
Siatham Riva at Gwelo
Siatham Robinson of Mulfield (13.5 years)
Sirius April Skye (14.5 years)
Sirius Angel Kiss Brandie
Sirius Biscuit
Sirius Maggie Mai (12 years)
Sirius Angel 'S' Maya
Sirius Spicy Ceasar
Sirius Casper Fant?me d'Amour
Sirius Zeke
Sirius Thunder Storm
Sirius Turbo's Buddy
Sirius Sir Sam
Can. Ch. Shaynedoro Oncemorewithfeeling
Shaynedoro Encoretohearthside
Can CH Shaynedoro Everlasting Encore (10 years)
Am /CanCH Justmoor Believe In Me Am-Can OS (11 years)
Am Can CH Justmoor Maybe It Was Memphis
Am Can CH Justmoor Believe It Or Not
Am CH Justmoor's Born To Be Wild
Can CH Brookshire's Judy Garland (11.5 years)
Am. CH Brookshire's Ella Fitzgerald (10 years)
Can. Ch. Brookshire's Jessica Tandy CD Am Can OD (6.5 years)
Sirius Angel of Kindness (13.5 years)
Sirius Renoir
Sirius Tobie's Teddy Bear
Sirius Mackenzie Chilkoot
Sirius Wallace (13 years)
Sirius Georges
Reedbank Renoir
Sunkozi Sterling Silver (10 years)
Sunkozi's Alano Kiesha

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