
Golden Retriever

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Nagybayai Barsonyos Arany Rege

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Nagybayai Barsonyos Arany Rege
Nagybayai Barsonyos Arany Stella (BVA 8/7)
Kroonkennel's Buck
Kroonkennel's Balin (D2)
Kroonkennel's Baron
Kroonkennel's Beauty
Kroonkennel's Beatle (B)
Crosshill Baron (13)
Watties Grace
Midas Sam
Kay Of Silkmill
Deadcraft Donatello / Deadcraft Doncella
FTW Deadcraft Donovan
FTW Deadcraft Dona of Leeglen (5.4)
Vaudeville Virtue
F.T.CH. Kroonkennel's Ulrike (A1)
F.T.CH. Kroonkennel's Urko
Kroonkennel's Yes (B1)
Kroonkennel's Ullyses
Kroonkennel's Yukon
Kroonkennel's Yester (HD 0)
TJH LP Gregson Valter (A1)
Int. FT. CH. Besstock Dee Of Clancallum (A1)
Besstock Duce (C1)
Besstock Dove Of Woodsprite (BVA BVA 28:5)
Besstock Deal (HD-B2)
Besstock Duke (A (1994))
Godolloi Huncut Vadasz Aleta
G?d?ll?i-Huncut Vad?sz Amanda
Godolloi Huncut Vadasz Aletta
ChHun Kiralytelepi- Arany Colin
Kiralytelepi-Arany Colly
IntCh,VDHCH,SCHWCH Donner of Coleorton (Unknown A1)
Cupid of Marginata
Kiralytelepi-Arany Afi
Ordogarki Arany Acca
Ördögärki Arany Atlas/Ordogarki Arany Atlas
Vendvideki Gran Eager
Vendvideki Gran Chary
Vendvideki-Gran Flint
Vendvideki - Gran Florin
Vendvideki-Gran Fetch
Vendvideki-Gran Frisky
Vendvideki Gran Bobe
Tassmaniai Barsony Babsy

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