
Golden Retriever

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Aust Ch Tahmero Charming Adonis

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Aust Ch Tahmero Charming Adonis
Tahmero Golden Gaeity
Tahmero Charming Pixie CD
Australian CH Tahmero Charming Gaiety
Australian CH Tahmero Charming Akela
Australian CH Tahmero Charming Ben
Aust Ch Cambronze Orpheus
Cambronze Olsen
Cambronze Michael
Cambronze Melanie
Aust. CH Cambronze Melody
Aust Ch Cambronze Justin Arron
Aust. CH Flair Of Yeo
Flicka Of Yeo
Flarepath of Yeo
Fantasy Of Yeo OD
Country Dancer of Yeo
Colour Sergeant of Yeo
Checkpoint of Yeo
Craftsman Of Yeo
Aust Ch Cambronze Fairy Floss
Australian CH Cambronze Quick Gold
Aust. CH Tristar Of Yeo
Eng. SH. CH. Trident Of Yeo Colbar (9.5 years)
Mystic Charm Of Yeo
Aust Ch Cambronze Early Bird
Aust CH Tahmero Golden Charmer
Australian CH Tahmero Golden Duke
Australian CH Tahmero Golden Gleam
Australian CH Tahmero Golden Panda
Aus. CH. Sunlodge Hero
Aust. CH Calrossie Of Westley
Eng. CH. Clarissa Of Westley
Camilla of Westley
Westley Giles
Westley Gulliver
Claudia Of Westley
Westley Gilroy
Dooneryan Cornelius of Westley
Westley Genevieve Of Dooneryan
Braidmore Westley Georgina
Sweetwater Guinivere
Sweetwater Galant Boy
Sweetwater El Dorado
Australian Champion Sweetwater Spirit
Aust CH Danoi Kasia CD
Aust CH Danoi Tanith
Aust Ch Kyvalley Kipling
Kyvalley Winchester
Kyvalley Kiami
Guisachan Tiffany Gold
Guisachan Tammy Too
Aust Ch Guisachan Tammy

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