
Golden Retriever

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Countrylane All-Star Player

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Countrylane All-Star Player
Countrylane Whisper at Buitenpepers
Countrylane's Making Waves at All-Star (OFA GR-98121G25M-VPI)
Countrylane All Star Image
Countrylane All-Star Gem (OFA GR-98868E29F-VPI)
Gloi Crocodile Rock (HD B1)
CH GBZ Gloi California Dreamin (BVA 5;5)
Eng. CH. Wyebank Destiny (8/7 BVA)
Wyebank Dolly Mixture (4:6)
Sansue Castalian KCJW SGWC (BVA Hip Score 5:5)
Sansue Cassiopia Of Zillmar
Sansue Cha-Cha
Sansue Chanter
Sansue Charlotte Of Maundale
Linchael Crocus Of Wyebank
N UCH Linchael Silver Spirit (HD A)
Linchael Chantilly JW
Irish SH. CH. Linchael Ecstacy at Lawpark (BVA Hip Score 7:3)
Linchael Criterion of Shoonahs (5:5)
Eng. Sh. Ch. Linchael Cartier Of Gloi (BVA 0:0)
Eng. SH. CH. Linchael Conspiracy Of Chevanne (BVA Hip Score 4:5)
Eng. CH. Linchael Wild Silk
Linchael Medici of Glengilde
Linchael Wild Cherry Of Waterspride (4:4)
Linchael Cornflower (0:0)
Linchael Cristalle Of Vanzela
Nor. CH. Gloi Hyperion
Linchael Candle in The Wind (HD A)
Linchael Cellini at Branjoy JW (BVA Hip Score 10:6)
Ir. CH Linchael Silver Ghost Of Strathearn (BVA/KC 4:6)
Nor. CH Linchael Conclusion
Finnish CH Linchael Wild Rose
Linchael Wild Thyme Of Strathearn (BVA 2:3)
Linchael Wild Orchid At Yacanto
Linchael Corniche (HD Frei Norden (19??))
Gloi Impulse (7:6)
Gloi Impudence of Highguild (4:9)
Eng. SH. CH. Stirchley Saxon KCJW (BVA Hip Score 12:7)
EW''89,Multi. CH. Stirchley Seth
Stirchley Sebastian
Stirchley Sugarbush of Jobeka (1 Res. CC) (Unknown BVA Hip Score 6:5)
Stirchley Soloman KCJW (BVA Hip Score 5:5)
Stirchley Solitaire (2:2)
Stirchley Sacha Of Jobeka
Stirchley Sophie Of Warrister
Gloi Dahlia
Gloi Dancing Brave
Gloi Dawn Run
Gloi Dancing Girl Of Heatherfree
Gloi Dior
Styal Sylverlina (BVA 14:3)
Styal Sylvester (HD:C (2001.10.11))
ChSwe, Den, Nor, NordW-03, VWW-08 Styal Silksilla SweW-04, BOB World Dog Show 2008 (B (1999))
Styal Silkya of Wylwind
STYAL SYLVANIA (HD:A (2000.10.11))
Eng SH CH Remington Rory (BVA/KC Hip Score 5:5)
Remington Ritzy (BVA Hip Score 5:5)
Remington Runnik At Ranyhyn (BVA Hip Score 8:6)
CH.Monaco Remington Real Mccoy at Lawpark (BVA Hip Score 4:5)
Eng CH Paudell Easter Plantagenet at Kerrien (BVA Hip Score 4:3)
Paudell Easter Pepsi
Eng. Sh. Ch. Styal Snow Flake of Remington KCJW (BVA 25)
Styal Snowdriff
Swiss CH. Styal Snow Storm
Styal Snow Bell
Styal Scottish Symphonia (BVA 4:5)
Styal Scottish Standard
Styal Scottish Society
Eng. SH. CH. Kulawand Celtic Sun (BVA/KC Hip Score 7:4)
Kulawand Classic (BVA Hip Score 3:6)
Styal Superscotia JW
Styal Superlad of Glengilde (A)
Styal Superguy Of Wyrebank

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