
Golden Retriever

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Jayma Mays de Marife

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Jayma Mays de Marife
Jeff Daniels de Marife
Jake McDorman de Marife
Jack Nicholson de Marife
Joan Cusack de Marife
Joshua Leonard de Marife
Jaqueline Bisset de Marife (Other KCP-RD-13230/08)
Josefina Cynderela de Marife
Jenna Dewan De Marife
Roman Kings in Show (Other KCC-309701)
Rocio Kings in Show
Magdalena Kings in Show (Other KCC 309697)
Ch. Chi. Lat. Ch. Jov. Chi. TAKEDA'S TOMMY GOLDEN TRIP'S (Other FCA 15769)
Ch.Arg. Takeda's Calvin Golden Trip's (FCI FCA 15768)
ArgCh Takeda's Rapsodia Golden Trips
Takeda's Akiabara Golden Trip's
MBIS Ar Br Pan CH Nautilus Fox Mulder (AKC SN872209/03)
Nautilus Rodolfo Un Reno (AKC SR08013702)
Nautilus Chloe (AKC SR08013706)
Am.Ch Nautilus White Christmas (AKC SR08013701)
Gr. Ch. Br. Ch. Arg. Golden Trip Vanish Girl (Other 15228)
Br Ch Golden Trip's Vanilla Sky (Other Brazil 05563)
Ch, GrCh Golden Trip's Venice Yamato
Jov Ch Chi Ch Chi Donka de Lurra Maitea (Other KCC 265675)
Dulcinea de Lurra Maitea
Ch Chi Gr Ch CHI Rockefeller Boss I am BumBum (Other 147595)
Rockefeller Cindy Bum Bum
Maira Bosch Aliste
Per.Ch. Gr.Per.Ch. Lat.Ch. Int.Ch. Gina Lolobrigida De Marife
Per.Ch. Gr.Per.Ch. Lat.Ch. Int.Ch. Ariat Van Berlinghouse (Other KCP RD 15670/01)
Alicia Silverston of Sunrise Valley (Other KCP-RD-10935/99)
Abigail Van Sligtenhorts
Venc. Am. Gr. Per. Ch. Lat.Ch. Int. Ch. Frailejon's Non Plus Ultra (Other LOC 40445)
Am./Bda/Can/Peru/So.Am.CH Hy Vallee's Promise Me Magic (AKC SM88433401 (1-94))
Hy Vallee's Jessica Ty Zach (AKC SM88433406)
Hy-Vallee Sunnybrae Hustle CD (AKC SM88433402 (7/94))
Ch Col Gorca's Monica Selles (Other Loc 37094)

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