
Golden Retriever

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Fabulo-Filou of Sunset Paradise

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Fabulo-Filou of Sunset Paradise
Lucky Boy of Sunset Paradise
Lester of Sunset Paradise
Lee Roy of Sunset Paradise
Loona of Sunset Paradise
Laurie of Sunset Paradise
Famous Jamie of Sunset Paradise
Fame of Sunset Paradise
Finley Sir of Sunset Paradise
Finn of Sunset Paradise
Feyo of Sunset Paradise
Flint of Sunset Paradise
Fly of Sunset Paradise
Airborne Goldwings Esprit
Airborne Goldwings Eaton
Airborne Goldwings Ennio-Andro
Airborne Goldwings Eika
Airborne Goldwings Elle
Airborne Goldwings Elliot
Airborne Goldwings Ella
Tuckamore's Torngat
Marshedge Grosse Morne Granite
Wingsets Copper Penny
Wingsets Tripp To The Line **
Wingsets Wild Goose Chase CanWC JH
Wingsets Code Red CanJH
Airborne Goldwings Sina
Holway Master
Holway Major of Riversway
Holway Miller
FTW Holway Milo
Rescue 159
Holway Maggie
Holway Megan
Holway Moss
Westland Enigmatic Pride
Westland Enigmatic Patience
Cherry Moon the Pride of Inverness Shire
Chester the Pride of Inverness-Shire
Joe's Jeff (12.5 years)
Joe's Kira Wira
Joe's Sahna
Joe's Rollo
Joe's Tim (10 years)
Golden Game Larry
Golden Game Leslie
Hi Lo of Golden Game
DKBRCH DKJCH SJCH Spica (Dk 25922/86) (11 years)
Lady (DK 02951/89)
Reckless Humble- Bee's Breeze (13.5 years)
Rayleas Albert
Cleopatra v.d. Goldenen Residenz

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