
Golden Retriever

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Mindy Joe's Lucky

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Mindy Joe's Lucky
Brandi And Marcus' Lady
Mistydawn's Marcus
Rio's Goldust Stride
Wilson Bends Golden Russet
Shumars Missouri Lady
Big Buck IV
R U Able
Crispin Nakita Aurelia
Miss Naughtia
WBS Here Comes The Mistydawn
WB's Here Comes Son Of Linus
Golden Penny XXXVII
Am./Can. CH. Morningsage Here Comes Linus Am. UD, WC; Can. CDX
Am./Can. CH Morningsage Some Punkin OD (13 years)
Am/Can CH Morningsage Sunrio Sandman
Am. CH Morningsage Mariah Moon
Wilson's Bend Golden Peach
Sherrys Sunshine II
Brandi's Mindy Joe
Brandi's Misty Joe
Brandi's Treasure Joe II
Brandi's Treasure Joe
Campe Joe
Taylors Riverview Turkey
Thistlerock's Maggy Mae (15.5 years)
Thistlerocks Amber Daze
Thistlerock Sungold Contesa
Thistle Rocks Abracadabra
Taylor's Riverview Prints
Dutchess Lady Of The Lakes
Cornhusker's Brandi Duke
Cornhusker's Odie
Stephi's Case
Dukes Baby Love
Sunderman's Jasper Star

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