
Golden Retriever

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Fairfield Fireranger

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Fairfield Fireranger
Fairfield Firefanfair
Fairfield Firefootsteps
Fairfield Firetrooper
TK1,TK2,CIB, FIN, EST, LV,LT CH Fairfield Firefinlandia
Fairfield Firespice
International, French, Luxembourg Ch. Taram du Bois de la Rayere (FCI LOF8RET.GOL. 044954)
Too Much du Bois de la Ray?re
Vice Et Versa du Bois de la Rayere
Tartuffe du Bois de la Ray?re
Tasha du Bois de la Rayere
Trialer, Int Ch, Fr/Lux/Nd/VDH Ch Beeangee Jumping Jack Flash (FCI LOF 16537/2493)
Beeangee Jive Bunny (Other KcReg W 2351305 W02)
VDH/Lux./Int. CH. Beeangee Jack Of All Trades (Other Belgium hips: B)
Norw. CH. Beeangee Jack In The Box
Beeangee Jemima Puddle Duck (Other KC Reg. W2351301W02)
Beeangee Jack The Lad (Other KC Reg. Y2289008Y02)
Eng. Ch. Ritzilyn Cockney Robin JW, SGWC (Other KC Reg. R2490903R02)
Ritzilyn Bowstreet Runner (Other S55315/91)
Ritzilyn Cockney Rebel (Other KC Reg. R2490903R02)
Ritzilyn Mayfair (Other KC Reg. R2490909R03)
Ritzilyn Dorchester Dickie At Branjoy (Other KCSB 1765CE)
Stanroph Spring Breeze At Beeangee (Other KC Reg. T3047608T02)
Stanroph Spring Double (Other KC Reg. T3047606T02)
Stanroph Spring Glow (Other KC Reg. T3047603T02)
Eng. SH. CH. Stanroph Spring Fantasy KCJW (Other KCSB 3534 CE)
Stanroph Spring Rose at Tenfield (Other KC Reg. T3047604T02)
Stanroph Spring Warrior of Vanrose (UKC T3047601T02)
Int Ch & Trialer Alibren Mon Cheri avec Stanroph (FCI AA04734708)
Alibren Magnifique At Redrift
Alibren Melodie D'Amour of Yvesham J.W.
Alibren Mon Cher Avec Stanroph
Alibren Voulez-Vous (AA04734704)
Eng. CH. Stanroph Squadron Leader (UKC KC Reg. W3661801W03)
Stanroph Secret Finale
Stanroph Secret Promise (KCR W 3661808W03)
Stanroph Secret Fantasy of Pamgavin
Int. CH. & FT. CH. Stanroph Standing Ovation (LOS 556350)
ENG. SH. CH. Alibren Uhura (UKC V0058306V01)
Alibren Keera Nerys of Yvesham (3733CI)
Eng. CH. Fairfield Firedreamer JW
Siagar Spencer JW (UKC KCSB 4470CJ)
Siagar Simonie (Other KC Reg. Y3185607Y03)
Aust./Eng. Ch. Stanroph Shogun KCJW (Other KCSB 0503CH)
Stanroph September Song Of Gleethorne (Other KC Reg. U3568703U03)
Stanroph Simply Heaven Of Souliena (Other KC Reg. U3568701U03)
Stanroph Simply Stunning of Pacimini (Other KC Reg. U3568702U03)
Siagar Signature (Other KC Reg. W1729402W02)
Siagar Sentinel (Other KC Reg. W1729401W02)
Fairfield Firesprite JW (Other KCSB 1967CE)
Fairfield Famille (Other KC Reg. S4985703S04)
Fairfield Farthing (Other KCSB 0864CJ)
Muskan Most Likely (Other KC Reg. M6607507M04)
Muskan Miss Demeanor of Cinmarsh (UKC KCR P6431104Q01)
Muskan Maple Syrup (Other KC Reg. M6607505M04)
Muskan Miss Likely (Other KC Reg. P6431105Q01)
Muskan More Dior Of Jameel (Other KCSB 3745CB)
Muskan Must Be (Other KC Reg. P6431109Q01)
Muskan Mystic Melody Of Fadius (Other KCSB 2514CB)
Muskan Redpine Megan
Muskan Miami Vice (Other S30150/88)
Muskan Most Lovely
Filouise Breeze At Fairfield (Other KCSB 0531CE)
Filouise Bronwyn (Other KC Reg. Q3438903Q03)
Filouise Bouquet (Other KC Reg. Q3438907Q03)

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