
Golden Retriever

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Dustys Golden Taffy

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Dustys Golden Taffy
Golden Boy Benjy
Elizabeth Of Green Acres
HCS And K's Apollo Moon Shot
Ca-Ri's Autumn Sunshine
Audacious Lady CDX (OFA GR-2277)
HCS And K's Amchitka Cheechako
Am./Can./Mex. CH. Beckwith's Copper Ingot OS (OFA GR-63)
Beckwith's Imperial
Mex. CH. Beckwith's Copper Image
Beckwith's September Issue CDX (OFA GR-76)
Am. CH. Spannen's Waw-Wil-A-Way Gypsy
Spannen's Wishing Star
Spannen's Winged Victory OD (OFA GR-564)
Spannen's Winning Wager
Spannen's Warlord
Am. CH. Spannen's Jokers Wild
Am. CH. Spannen's Jumped Spark
Spannen's Widget
Am. CH. Spannen's Just A Gamblin' Man
Am. CH. Spannen's Jolly Mistletoe
Am. CH. Spannen's Jiminy Crickett
Spannen's Wy-Not (OFA GR-620)
Sugar Dollie
Happy Birthday CD
Sidram Sophisticate
Romark's Cinnamon Cookie
Lady Lisa
King Midas VIII
Lady Sue Mince CD
Am. CH. Spannen's Waw-Wil-A-Way Gypsy
Spannen's Wishing Star
Spannen's Winged Victory OD (OFA GR-564)
Spannen's Winning Wager
Spannen's Warlord
Am. CH. Spannen's Jokers Wild
Am. CH. Spannen's Jumped Spark
Spannen's Widget
Am. CH. Spannen's Just A Gamblin' Man
Am. CH. Spannen's Jolly Mistletoe
Am. CH. Spannen's Jiminy Crickett
Spannen's Wy-Not (OFA GR-620)
Golden Dusty VI
Brandy Ladd
Webster Gazean Bently Midas
Pollyanna of Fairfax
King Midas VIII
Sidram Sophisticate
Romark's Cinnamon Cookie
Lady Lisa
Happy Birthday CD
Lady Sue Mince CD
Tanglewoods Bentley
Woodleigh Of Llandwyn
Brandi Shane
Jason Honey Bear (SB220619)
Gold-In-Hills Ted E Bear
Tara Of The Golden Dawn

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