
Golden Retriever

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Shoreland Morgan De Bermar

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Shoreland Morgan De Bermar (AKC SE167942)
Shoreland's Teaser CD (AKC SE313540)
OTCH Shoreland's Copper Streak (AKC SE054750)
Shoreland's DJ's Pepper Upper UD TDX WC (AKC SE760529)
Shorelands Levi Quick Jumper UD (AKC SD967784)
Shoreland's Shotgun Willie (AKC SE658902)
Shoreland's Razz Ma Jazz CDX OD (AKC SE241698)
OTCH Shoreland's Big Harry Deal ** OS (AKC SC917586 (8-82))
Angelic Honey Bear of Marina CD (AKC SC794835)
Shoreland's Beau (AKC SC794470)
Shorelands Brandy Wine (AKC SC918614)
Chances R Cool Hand Luke CDX MH OS *** (AKC SC203461 (4-80))
Lake Tahoe's Princess OD (AKC SD113312)
Sun Fire's Dyno Of Chances R OD (AKC SC762099)
Chances R Wizard Of Wonders UD WCX (AKC SC840631)
Bonnie Brook's Mortimer ** (AKC SB607773 (8-75))
Bonnie Brook's Bold Charlie (AKC SB712920 03-78)
BonnieBrooks Homer ***
Bonnie Brook's Archibald (AKC SB836681)
Bonnie Brook's Bojangles *** (AKC SB414588 (9-77))
Bonnie Brook's Sam *** (AKC SB413424)
Mioak's Ginger *** OD (AKC SB992950)
Bonnie Brook's Kaloni *** (AKC SC264663 (10/1980))
Chances R Milady (AKC SB652030 (10-77))
Shoreland's Somday Shahasta (AKC SC542121 (4-80))
Somday's Tally-O-Tawny UD (AKC SC513269)
Somday's Rising Sun Fire (AKC SC586402 (6-80))
Somday's Mike
FC AFC Tigathoe's Kiowa II OS FDHF (AKC SB045105 (2/74))
Tigathoe's Kiowa (F) (AKC SA760338 (10/72))
FC AFC Tigathoe's Tonga FDHF (AKC SA928990 (3/75))
FC AFC Tigathoe's Magic Marker OD FDHF (AKC SA916015)
Dual CH AFC Tigathoe's Funky Farquar OS DDHF FDHF (AKC SB170187 (6/74))
Tigathoe's Tonka ** (AKC SB017244 (8/1972))
Tigathoes Chippewa (AKC SB151426)
Tigathoe's Misty Morning *** (AKC SB030200 (6/1979))
Tigathoe's Jicarilla *** (AKC SB041008)
Somday's Flyaway Flair WC (AKC SB873519 (12-78))
AFC Wild Fire Of Riverview CDX WCX OS FDHF (AKC SB847272 (2-80))
Riverviews Cockleburr (AKC SB936971 (3-79))
Bounty-Quick Picker Upper UD WCX OD (AKC SC415688)
High Times Lea (AKC SC331757)
High Times Southern Comfort WC OD (AKC SC503951)
Bonnie Brook's Mortimer ** (AKC SB607773 (8-75))
Bonnie Brook's Bold Charlie (AKC SB712920 03-78)
BonnieBrooks Homer ***
Bonnie Brook's Archibald (AKC SB836681)
Bonnie Brook's Bojangles *** (AKC SB414588 (9-77))
Bonnie Brook's Sam *** (AKC SB413424)
Mioak's Ginger *** OD (AKC SB992950)
Bonnie Brook's Kaloni *** (AKC SC264663 (10/1980))
AFC Holway Barty OS (AKC SB147050 (9/73))
Eng. FT. CH. Holway Barrister (KC 2507BG)
Eng. FT. CH. Holway Jollity
Int. CH. Holway Joker
Holway Joyful *** OD (AKC SA798077 (6/1975))
Holway Barber
Bonnie Brook's Mabel OD (AKC SB092526 (3/1974))
Woodridges Daisy (AKC SB921483 (6/1977))
Marshlands Lucky Trick OD (AKC SB883363 (12-78))
Woodridge's Hannah * OD (AKC SB979604)
Waylon Whitebrow (AKC SB885466 (2-80))
AFC Holway Barty OS (AKC SB147050 (9/73))
Eng. FT. CH. Holway Barrister (KC 2507BG)
Eng. FT. CH. Holway Jollity
Int. CH. Holway Joker
Holway Joyful *** OD (AKC SA798077 (6/1975))
Holway Barber
Woodridges Fabulous Fanny ** (AKC SB697714 (6/76))
Candice Of Candlewood (AKC SB459081 (6/1975))

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