
Golden Retriever

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Seneca of Cox Hollow

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Seneca of Cox Hollow
Tansy of Cox Hollow
Handjem's Quick Sand *** OS
Handjem's Cranwood Rox **
FC AFC Chief Sands OS FDHF
Schneiders Sloe Gin
Chief Oshkosh of Stilrovin **
Kathy's Rebel of Stilrovin ***
Heeneekis of Stilrovin ***
Olaita Of Stilrovin ***
Shawnee Of Stilrovin
Honor Brite Of Stilrovin
Sabe Lo Todo Of Stilrovin ***
Can.FTCH,AFTCH Angus Of Stilrovin Am*** (13 years)
Stilrovin Bolt-Away
Jet Express Of Stilrovin WC
Shenandoah of Stilrovin CD *** OD (10.5 years)
Wiota Of Stilrovin
Bonnie Belle Of Stilrovin
AFC Gunnerman's Coin of Copper OS FDHF (13.5 years)
Gunnerman's Copper Penny **
Gunnermans Friend
Gunnerman's Red Fox *
Gunnerman's Golden Glory
Roxanne of Arborvita *
Golden Opportunity ***
Miss Tahweena
Svoboda's Proper Cedar Chips ***
Gunnerman's Penny Wise
Stilrovin Kathy-K OD ***
Stilrovin Hody Hall
Stilrovin Delta Index
FC AFC FTCH Stilrovin Tuppee Tee FDHF (10.5 years)
FC AFC Stilrovin Luke Adew FDHF
FC AFC Stilrovin Savannah Gay FDHF
Stilrovin Jersey Brown **
Stilrovin Far Daw WC
Stilrovin Shantytown
Stilrovin Whitey Barker
Stilrovin Doristown
Stilrovin Slip McCabe ***
Echo of Sands ***
Golden Belle Of Chel-Mar
Lady Of Melrose Park
Riffwood Sand *
So Mo's Tinker
My Sweet Gus CDX ***
Chip of Mosinee
Goldie of Merry Jewel
Can. FTCH Golden Achievement **
Handjem's Golden Nugget **
Handjem's Titian Beauty
Goodfellow's Brassy Baby
Flambeau Chip of Handjem ***
Lord Jolly Of Handjem
Coventry's Straw Boss
Jolly Again of Ouilmette CD *** OS (12.5 years)
Penny's Pollyanna
Holway Stubblesdown Jolly ***
Stubblesdown Juanita/Stubblesdown Janita
Stubblesdown Jeremy
Gunnerman's Copper Penny **
Gunnermans Friend
Gunnerman's Red Fox *
Gunnerman's Golden Glory
Roxanne of Arborvita *
Golden Opportunity ***
Miss Tahweena
Svoboda's Proper Cedar Chips ***
AFC Gunnerman's Coin of Copper OS FDHF (13.5 years)
Gunnerman's Penny Wise
CH Torch of Handjem ***
Princess Tammy Of Handjem
Apollo of Handjem
Tiger Of Handjem **
Am. CH. J's Teeko Of Tigathoe ***
CH Little Joe Of Tigathoe *** OS (13 years)
The Deuce Of Tigathoe
The Trey Of Tigathoe
Riffle Of Tigathoe
Royal Flush Of Tigathoe
Shuffle Of Tigathoe
Ace High of Tigathoe
Dealer Of Tigathoe
Ace Of Tigathoe
Flush Of Tigathoe
Princess Kilroy OD
Czar Michael
Kimhof Kilroy

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