
Golden Retriever

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Tingledales Aidan

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Tingledales Aidan
Tingledales Aroona
Tingledales Arwen
Tingledales Aeron
Tingledales Artan
F.T.Ch élite A DUAL CH -CH BEAU ET BON Vaillant des Fields de Mauny
Valse des Fields de Mauny
Van Gogh des Fields de Mauny
Voila Sakura des Fields de Mauny
Dual Ch. PI.Ch. Royal Crest Gold-N Over The Rainbow
Royal Crest Gold-n Double Eagle
Royal Crest Gold-N Doubletake
Royal Crest Gold-N Doubledare
It. Ch.,Int.Ch Royal Crest Gold-n Double Indemnity
Granroche Classic Love
Dual Ch. Summit Royalcrest Dexas Gold
Summit's Winston Churchill
Am. CH Summit's I've Got Rhythm
Am. CH Summits Mai Tai
Summits Sonic Boom
Pl. Ch. Int. Ch. Endelwood Just Jasmine For Royal Crest
It. Ch. Endelwood Just Johnny
DUAL CH -CH. IB/CH B&B / CH FT Fr/An Endelwood Make my Day Trialer
Justrocco Endelwood
FT CH RL des Fields de Mauny
CHIB, CHCH, CHLU, CHTF, CHBBF Romeo des Fields de Mauny
Rainbow des Fields de Mauny
Rebeka des Fields de Mauny
CHCS, CHTF - DUAL CH Honey-Paille des Geguis
CH IB Harvest Honey Hill des Geguis
CHTF Macarena des Fields de Mauny
CH VDH, CH Club Herma Ness Fearless Flann DRC Clubsiegerin 2010
Herma Ness Fearless Fyfe
Herma Ness Fearless Fenton
Herma Ness Fearless Fae
Herma Ness Fearless Fenway
Herma Ness Fearless Fillie
Herma Ness Fearless Finlay
Herma Ness Fearless Floyd
Herma Ness Fearless Faelan
Herma Ness Fearless Fionn
Herma Ness Fearless Filib
Herma Ness Fearless Forbes
Risedale Rajah by Stanroph
Risedale Regal Rose
Risedale Royalty JW
Aust./Eng. Ch. Stanroph Shogun KCJW
Stanroph September Song Of Gleethorne
Stanroph Simply Heaven Of Souliena
Stanroph Simply Stunning of Pacimini
Pollingloch Peppery at Risedale
Pollingloch Party Girl
Pollingloch Perfect Miss At Lysswell
Herma Ness Boundless Brittany
Herma Ness Boundless Brandon
Herma Ness Boundless Barcus
Herma Ness Boundless Basil
Herma Ness Boundless Beverly
Herma Ness Boundless Bubbles
Herma Ness Boundless Baxter
Herma Ness Boundless Billie Jean
Int. CH. & FT. CH. Stanroph Standing Ovation
Stanroph Secret Finale
Stanroph Secret Promise
Eng. CH. Stanroph Squadron Leader
Stanroph Secret Fantasy of Pamgavin
Bonna Dea From Swissgolden
Anna Karenina (daughter of Fah von Bj?rndal)

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