
Golden Retriever

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StonyPoint's It's Always Something

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

StonyPoint's It's Always Something
Stonypoint's Once Around (Unknown 00176)
StonyPoint's Cool Hand Luke
Can CH Kyon's Rolling Stone Can OS (OFA GR-94379E26M-PI)
Can. CH. Kyon's Hot To Trot OS (OFA GR-62378G28M-T)
Can CH Haydene Commador OS (OFA GR-49692G24M-T)
Haydene Carnival (OFA GR-49759E24F-T)
Haydene Carousel JW (BVA Hip Score 6:18)
Can. CH. Kyon's Born Free OD (OVC normal)
CanCH Kyon's High Riley
Can Ch Kyon's Full Tilt Boogie (OVC normal)
Kyon's River Watch Spring Tide CD (OFA GR-80457G24F-PI)
Can. CH. Dewmist Davenport Can/Am OS (OFA GR-68589E24M / OVC 005189)
Dewmist Diamantina (UA (5/11/1999))
Dewmist Dawnwatch (UA (5/11/1999))
Dewmist Dakotah (UA (5/11/1999))
Dewmist Daylander (UA (6/9/1999))
Dewmist Dappledown (UA (5/11/1999))
Dewmist Daleview (UA (5/17/1999))
Dewmist Derringer (UA (9/8/1999))
Kamlyn Hell On Wheels at Kyon (OVC normal 019497)
Kamlyn Harlequin of Tashora (OFA GR-66410E28F-T)
Kamlyn Hunter Of Tashora
Stonypoint's Clair De Lune (OFA GR-87699G27F-PI)
Stonypoint's Claire De Lune (OFA GR-87699G27F-PI)
Can. CH. Kyon's Escape Artist (OFA GR-62565G25M-T)
Kyon's Escape The Ordinary NAP, NJP (OFA GR-63386F27M-T)
CanCH Kyon's Escape to Victory (OVC Normal)
Can CH Dewmist Santorini Can OS (OFA GR-55470G24M-T)
Dewmist Saratoga
Dewmist Santillana (Sweden HD UA (1/22/1996))
Dewmist Silverado (5:5)
Int./Belg. CH. Dewmist Santiago (A1)
Dewmist Salamanca
Dewmist Shackleton
SU(U)CH NUCH Dewmist Savannah (Sweden HD U (1/31/1996))
Dewmist Samarinda (Sweden HD Grade 2)
Can. CH. Cameo Great Escape To Kyon (OVC normal)
CanCH Sunkozi Matilda At Maestria
BIS Can CH Sunkozi Zippity Zubaz Can OD (OFA GR47273G25F-T)
Can. CH Cameo Great Scot
Cameo Woodwing Great One
CanCH Cameo Tidings Of Great Joy
Cameo Great Balls Of Fire
Cameo Going Great Guns
Cameo's O Great Spirit
Cameo Greatest Love Of All (OFA GR-55249G25F-T)
Stony Point I Love Lucy (OFA GR-60723G24F-T)
Lochearn's Kippin MacGowan (OFA GR-44212G24M)
Syzygy Follow That Dream (OFA GR-43363G26F-T)
Syzygy Free Spirit TDX
CanCH Syzygy Fashion By Rivendell (OFA GR 44024F27M)
CanCH Syzygy Madjec Finnegan (OFA GR-43296G25M)
Syzygy From Deer Path Orchard (GR-42975G24F-T)
Syzygy Forember Yours (OFA GR-44626G29F)
Syzygy Madjec Fantasia (OFA GR-43297G25F)

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