
Golden Retriever

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SunKissed Blues Traveler CGC, CCA

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

SunKissed Blues Traveler CGC, CCA (7 years)
Am/Can CH SunKissed Electric Blue RA MX AXJ OF CGC CanCD (9.5 years)
SunKissed N Nitro's Blue Rising Star
Am./Can. CH SunKissed In The Spotlight CGC TDI CCA (11 years)
SunKissed True Light RA NAJ CGC
MACH5 Can. CH SunKissed Light and Magic CD RN MXB2 MJB3 NAP NJP OF CGC CGN ADHF (8.5 years)
SunKissed Golden Light (11 years)
SunKissed You Light Up My Life CGC (11 years)
SunKissed Point Of Light CGC (10.5 years)
BISS Am-Can Ch. Nitro's Boy Wonder OS SDHF CGC TDI (12 years)
Nitro's Incredible Boy
Nitro's Panning For Gold
Nitro Reflection from a Brook BOSS
BISS Am. Ch. Faera's Starlight OS
CH Gangway Faeras Beam of Light
Faera's Let There Be Light
Faera's Light The Horizon
Gangway Faeras Lightning Bug
BIS BISS Am CH Twin-Beau-D's Peterbuilt OS SDHF (9 years)
Twin-Beau-D's All the Rave
Twin-Beau-D Scorpio's Dream
Am CH. Twin-Beau-D's Bonnie Bedelia SDHF (12 years)
Faera's Sweet Caroline OD
Faera's Cracklin' Rosie OD
Faera's Play Me
Faera's I Am...I Said OD (10.5 years)
BIS BISS Am. CH Faera's The Story Of My Life OS SDHF
Faera's Headed For The Future (9 years)
BISS Am CH/Can CH. Faera's Front Page Story SDHF
Am. CH. Faera's Done Too Soon (11 years)
Faera's Walk On Water At Calusa
Ch Faera's Courtin' Disaster W'Tainsh
Faera's Solitary Man
Faera's I'm A Believer
Ch. Faera's Forever In Blue Jeans (8.5 years)
CH Faera's Hello Again
Am. CH Faera's Longfellow Serenade
Am./Can. CH. Nitro's Blaze of Glory CGC TDI (12 years)
Can CH. Nitro's Runs With Scissors (11 years)
Am/Can CH Laurell's Man For All Angels OS (11 years)
Laurell's Fallen Angel OD
Am. CH. Laurell's Frozen Image (13 years)
CH Laurell's Frozen Yogurt
Am. CH. Laurell's Walks Like A Angel SDHF
Am. CH. Laurell's Michael Angel-O
BIS Am. CH Laurell's Los Angel Ease OS SDHF (11 years)
CH Laurell's Angel On My Mind
CH Laurell Til Hells Frozen Over CD MH WCX VCX (11.5 years)
Nitro's Thunder N Lightning (10 years)
Can. CH Starquest's SunKissed Muenster OD CCA (12 years)
Starquest's Big Cheese
Starquest's Catch A Glance
Starquest's Green With Envy
Starquest's Catch A Wave
Starquest's Thunder In Paradise
Starquest Champagne On Ice
Starquest's Italian Ice
Starquest's Cool Sensation
Starquest Skatin On Thin Ice (9.5 years)
Am. CH Faera's Touch Of Thunder (10.5 years)
Am. CH Faera's Thundering Patriot (12 years)
AmCH Faera's Thunder Road To Calusa
Faera's Wish Come True
Faera's True Thunder Boomer
Faera's True Elegance
Am.Ch. Faera's True Freedom (9.5 years)
Starquest Overnite Sensation
Starquest Sweet On Beechwood CGC
Starquest's Shimmering Star
Starquest Delmarva Top Star (12 years)
Starquest Lazydaze Bonanza
Starquest Spencer For Hire RN MX MXJ AXP AJP
Shilo Starquest Allsystemsgo (11.5 years)
Shilo's Free For All (15 years)
Shilo's All A Glitter (14 years)
Shilo's Natur-All Class Act CDX (13 years)
Shilo's All Most Heaven NA, NAJ, NAP, OJP (16 years)
Shilo's All Points Bulletin (10 years)
Shilo's All The Right Stuff (14.5 years)
Shilo's Breakin All The Rules (13.5 years)

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