
Golden Retriever

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Calypso's Ewe Know Ewe Want Me

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Calypso's Ewe Know Ewe Want Me
Calypso's My I's Adore Ewe (8.5 years)
Calypso's Ewe Da Man At Myden CGC,THDD (11.5 years)
BIS/BISS Can./Am. Ch. Klaasem's Zoom Zoom Zoom Can. SDHF, Can./Am. OS (9.5 years)
Klaasems R You Ready To Rumble
Prospector Klaasem U R The One
BIS Am/Can Ch Klaasem's Hubba Hubba Hubba OS SDHF (9 years)
Klaasem's Yadda Yadda Yadda
Klaasem What Legends R Made Of
Am. Ch. Daybreak Varsity Jump OS (9.5 years)
Daybreak Wedgwood True Wings
Daybreak Stars N Stripes
BISS Am./BIS Can./BIS Bda. CH Cherrybrook Touchstone JH WC SDHF OS (12.5 years)
Am CH Cherrybrook's Raggedy Ann JH WC OD (15 years)
Barnaby Of Cherrybrook
Can. Ch. Claircrest Daybreak Archetype (13 years)
Claircrest Way To Go OD
CH Claircrest Romantic Type
BIS Can. Ch. Prospectors Klaasem Ooh La La (12.5 years)
CanCH Prospectors Taylor Made
CanCH Prospectors Gold-en Triumph (6.5 years)
Prospector's Just Havin' Fun TDIA (12 years)
CanCH Prospector's Rocky Mountain Hi
Am./Can. CH. Waynewood's Classic Gold Am/Can OS GRCC Hall of Fame (11 years)
Am. Ch./BIS Can. Ch. Prospector's Tribute To Sierra Can OD SDHF
Am/Can CH Prospector's Sun Over Sierra
CanCH Prospectors Faygan of Dickens
Prospectors Maid to Measure
Prospectors Harley Shara Son
CH Calypso's Purrsuit Of Purrfection
CH Calypso's Indecent Purr-posal TD WC (7 years)
CH Calypso's Purr-Cedes Benz RN JH WC (9 years)
Calypso's Supurrnatural
Calypso I Did It On Purpose Mattiaci (11 years)
AM/MEX/AMS/WC CH Sheffield-Ducat's Spellbound SDHF, OS (13 years)
Sheffield-Ducat's Rebecca
Ducat-Sheffield N X NW CD
Ducat's Sheffield's Saboteur (14.5 years)
Am. CH Sheffield-Ducat's Suspicion JH (14 years)
BIS BISS Am Can CH Signature's Natural Wonder OS SDHF CGC TT (12.5 years)
Signature's One Der Full
Sunshine Hill's Hubba-Hubba
Signature Shining Star
Am CH Ducat's Fortune in Gold CDX SH WC VCX (15 years)
Ducat's Wheel Of Fortune
Ducat's Fortune Cookie
Ducat's Fortune Teller JH WC (12 years)
Am. CH. Calypso's The Udder Woman OD (11 years)
Am/Can Ch. Calypso's Udderwise Alndon (11.5 years)
Calypso's Udderly Smokin' (9 years)
Calypso Never Udderestimate (9 years)
BIS BISS Am CH Twin-Beau-D's Peterbuilt OS SDHF (9 years)
Twin-Beau-D's All the Rave
Twin-Beau-D Scorpio's Dream
Am CH. Twin-Beau-D's Bonnie Bedelia SDHF (12 years)
Ch. Birnam Wood's Toad You So OD (10.5 years)
Ch. Birnam Wood's Otter Be Good
Am-Can CH. Birnam Wood Aardvark 'N No Play JH OS (10 years)
Birnam Wood's You Bet Giraffe (7.5 years)

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