
Golden Retriever

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Head over Heels of the Morning Valley

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Head over Heels of the Morning Valley
Hocus Pokus of the morning valley
Highlight Of The Morning Valley (AKC SR49415201 (12/08))
DTS.CH & VDH CH. Dream Max An Apple A Day (Other S13247/2005)
Int'l Ch. Dream Max Apple Of My Eye (AKC SR27302901)
Dream Max Little Green Apple
DK & SWE SH & FIN CH, SVCH Dream Max Paradise Apple
Dream Max Apple Jack
SU(U)CH Dream Max Apple Blossom
Can.Ch Dream Max Apple Computer (CKC 1092298)
Intl/Natl CH Dream Max The Big Apple (AKC SR27302903 (5-12))
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Jazzman's Da Capo (Other SwedKC # S56681/200)
Jazzman's De Lillo
Jazzman's Double Hope
NUCH Siatham Raynor (Other N06213/97)
French.Int.Ch. Trialer Siatham Roxelana (Other LOF 019841/03254)
Siatham Renita
Siatham Riva at Gwelo
Siatham Robinson of Mulfield
NO UCH Jako's Hope (Other NorKC # N33780/93)
Jako's Heart O'Gold
SU(U)CH NUCH Eplepai av Vervik (Other S52608/2002)
DK CH Eplegutten av Vervik (Other DKK 20064/2001)
NuCh. Epleskrotten Av Vervik
Epleboom av Vervik (Other N17144/01)
Multi Ch & Multi W Tottelina Observer (Other SKKS 55137/2000)
Tottelina Opera (AKC SN74323601 (7-01))
CanCH Tottelina Orchestra (AKC SN74323701 (6/01))
2xCAC, R.CAC Tottelina Orchid In Snow (Other FIN 10442/00B)
Tottelina Othello (Other FIN10440/00A)
ChFin Tottelina Oaktown Oliver (Other FIN10437/00)
NUCH Dasty Golden Daffodil (Other S16910/96)
Dasty Buttercup (Other S16912/96)
Dasty Chamomile (Other S16913/96)
Dasty Lily of the Valley (Other SwedKC # S16909/96)
Ger Jr Ch, Moondust Highland's Heritage (NHSB 234023)
Moondust Himalaya
Eng. SH. Ch./Dutch/Ger./VDH Ch. Garbank Lislone Jackpot (Other KCR T4226108T03)
Garbank Lislone Mistique (Other KC Reg. Y1069103Y01)
Garbank Lislone Justajoy
Garbank Lislone Miss Marple
Garbank Lislone Just Fancy (Other KC Reg. W5543503W04)
Eng./Irish SH. Ch. Garbank Lislone Edition (UKC KC Reg. V2707501V03)
Garbank Lislone Katrina
Garbank Maschenko of Drumlamford (Other KC Reg. Q5182104Q04)
Garbank Rainbow (Other KC Reg. T4226108T03)
Garbank Riah (Other KC Reg. T4226107T03)
Garbank Lislone Chanel (Other (U03) U3455002)
Garbank Yeracracka (Other KC Reg. S3001002S03)
Eng./Irish CH. Garbank Special Edition of Lislone (Other KCSB 1172BS)
Garbank Ovation of Redkerre
Garbank Ogee
Garbank Oracle
Garbank Oyez
Garbank Electra (Other KC Reg. P1596807P02)

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