
Golden Retriever

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Jacklaine's Brilliant

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Jacklaine's Brilliant
Jacklaine's Bingo
Jacklaine's Braylach Lachlann
Jacklaine's Better Be Good (10 years)
Jacklaine's Bissie Buttercup
Jacklaine's Biscuit
Jacklaine's Briggs
FTW Holway Victor
Holway Volley
Holway Vincent of Chapeldown
Holway Violet JH WC
Holway Verley
Holway Vicky
Holway Villa
Standerwick Remus of Merryway
Eng. FT. CH. Standerwick Rhumba Of Pebbletoft (14 years)
Standerwick Randolph
Standerwick Ranger
Standerwick Ricarda of Abnalls
Standerwick Robina
Standerwick Robriska of Ceagry
Eng. FT. CH. Earnsfield Teal
Katie Of Hitchin
Eng. FT. CH. Abnalls Hilary Of Standerwick
Abnalls Humphrey
FTW Abnalls Heidi Of Ruadth
Abnalls Harrison Of Tasco
Abnalls Hogan
Holway Evita
Holway Dazzle
Holway Dickon
Holway Empress
Holway Ellie at Melgold
Holway Emma
Holway Eric
Holway Emperor
Holway Dawn
Holway Dabble
Holway Daniel
Holway Digger
Holway Doris
FT.W Holway Dezzy
Holway Quilter
Eng. FT. CH. Holway Quilla
Eng. FT. CH. Holway Eppie
Holway Eros (No.2)
Holway Eddy
Holway Easter
NJCH. Jacklaine's Aida
Jacklaine's Abbey
Jacklaine's Amber Joplin
SE JCH Jacklaine's Aragorn
Jacklaine's Archibal
SVCH Holway Odin (14 years)
Holway Cookie
Holway Crinkle
Holway Jaffa
Holway Eccle
Standerwick Remus of Merryway
Eng. FT. CH. Standerwick Rhumba Of Pebbletoft (14 years)
Standerwick Randolph
Standerwick Ranger
Standerwick Ricarda of Abnalls
Standerwick Robina
Standerwick Robriska of Ceagry
Holway Muffin
Holway Mollie
Holway Chintz
Holway Widgeon of Clancallum
Holway Damask
Holway Taffeta
Holway Muslin
Holway Cotton
Holway Twill
Holway Velcro
Holway Viscose
Holway Bombazine (14 years)
NJCH NMJR06 Siyu Rosie
Siyu Rufus of Dovespring
Siyu Rula of Queenhill
Siyu Ruth
Siyu Haggis
Siyu Rena
Siyu Rennie
Siyu Right Rhona
Siyu Rowena
Siyu Rupert
Standerwick Luke of Siyu
Standerwick Louisa
Standerwick Leo
Standerwick Lucy
Standerwick Libby of Waterhatch
Standerwick Beth of Siyu
Standerwick Beaujolais
Standerwick Becky
Standerwick Barley
Standerwick Barnaby
Standerwick Benita
Standerwick Boris
Standerwick Brett

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