
Golden Retriever

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Windsong's Eye of the Storm

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Windsong's Eye of the Storm
Kingdom Hearts With Windsong Natale' (OFA GR-102329F24F-VPI)
Int'l CH Dream Max Marco Albarello RN (OFA GR-96656G24M-VPI)
Aust Ch Dream Max Anja Parson (AVA 2/3)
INT & INT SH & NORD & BALT & RUS & SWE TR CH Dream Max Gunde Svan ESTW-09, DKW-09 (B/B (2008))
SVCH CAN CH Dream Max Jorgen Brink (FCI B1)
Dream Max Deborah Compagnoni (HD A - 07/2008)
DK & SWE SH & FIN CH, SVCH Dream Max Paradise Apple (A/A (1/2006))
DTS.CH & VDH CH. Dream Max An Apple A Day (C1)
Int'l Ch. Dream Max Apple Of My Eye
Dream Max Little Green Apple
Dream Max Apple Jack (B/B (12/2005))
SU(U)CH Dream Max Apple Blossom (A/A (12/2005))
Can.Ch Dream Max Apple Computer (OFA GR-92257G26M-PI)
Intl/Natl CH Dream Max The Big Apple (BVA 8:4)
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Jazzman's Da Capo (HD A (1/23/2003))
Jazzman's De Lillo (C (2002))
Jazzman's Double Hope (D (2002))
SU(U)CH NUCH Eplepai av Vervik (A/A (2002))
DK CH Eplegutten av Vervik (0/0)
NuCh. Epleskrotten Av Vervik
Epleboom av Vervik
NUCH Palam's Hanna My Dreams (FCI A1 - Sweden)
V-WW'98, MultCh, DUCH, NUCH, VDHCH Blakesley Cromwell NV-95 NV-96 NORDV-97 (Sweden HD U (6/1994))
Blakesley Camilla Of Amblemere (BVA Hip Score 10:9)
Blakesley Charmain (A/A)
Blakesley Crusoe of Nortonwood (4:8)
Blakesley Chekers
Blakesley Chekers At Forbendale (11:11)
Birdcherrys Wildest Dreams (UA (4/25/1997))
Mervar's Misty Morning Song (OFA GR-91215G25F-PI)
Mervar's Beauty Ann the Best (OFA GR-91030G24F-PI)
Mervar's Spring Song (OFA GR-86457F24F-PI)
Mervar's Kisses Of Love
Mervar's Takin It To The Maxx
Mervar's Princess Margaret Ann
Mervar's Spring Fling (OFA GR-86456G24F-PI)
Int. CH Telcontar's Testament At Mervar (OFA GR-83010F24M-Pl)
Telcontar's Tapestry (OFA GR-85116G32F-PI)
Can CH Telcontar's Talisman (OFA GR-84498G30M-PI)
BIS BISS Am CH Lovejoy's Catchme If U CanCan SDHF Am and Can OS (OFA GR-50482E24M Pennhip.37/.37)
Sg's My Sunny Day
Sg's Hold Me Closer
Sg's Anybody's Choice
Sg's Ready To Play
Sg's Yours And Yours Alone
Can Ch. Telcontar's Sweet Hereafter
Telcontar's Sunsplash
Deangate Mervar'best Western (OFA GR-74265F24-PI)
Deangate Mervar's Best Shot (OFA GR-74311F24F-PI)
Am. CH Laurell's Foolish Endeavor (OFA GR-56178G24M-T)
Laurell Gldn Star Magic Fool (OFA GR-56138F24F)
Laurell's Foolproof (OFA GR-56216G24F-T)
Am. CH Laurell's Foolin' Around
Laurell's Last Hurrah (OFA GR-54571G24F-T)
Laurell's Last Starburst (OFA GR-53505G24F-T)
CH Laurell's Last Laugh Mystar (OFA GR-53820E24F)
Laurel's Max To The Last

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