
Golden Retriever

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Can OTCH Huntrail's Calamity Jane Am UD

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Can OTCH Huntrail's Calamity Jane Am UD
Tioga's Kodiak Tohoma ***
Pegdon's Jesse Baba
Tioga's Kodiak Bear
Piro's Love Of Mike
Huntrails Windjammer
Huntrails Golden Brook
Am Ch Spannen's Haymaker CD
Am. CH. Spannen's Hud
Am. CH. Spannen's Harmony OD
Spannen's Hustler Mach Two
Am. CH. Trigger's Royal Diamond CDX *** OS
Diamonds Princess
Thrice For Robin
Dannie's Big Red
Golden Cinderella II
Am Ch Duckdown's Tiffany Tomboy OD
Duckdown's Touche Sheba/Duckdown's Touch? Sheba
Am./Can. CH. Tracer Of Duckdown CD
Am CH. Duckdown Tuffy of Buckskin CD
Duckdown's Tawny Duchess
Duckdown Twist Around CD
Bonnie Brook's Eloise WC
Bonnie Brook's Louie
Bonnie Brook's Wilbur ***
Bonnie Brook's Barney ***
Bonnie Brooks Con Of Trollbo
FC Can FTCH Bonnie Brook's Tuff And A Half FDHF (9 years)
Bonnie Brooks Golden Nugget
Bonnie Brook's Elmira
FC AFC FTCH Bonnie Brooks Elmer OS FDHF
FC AFC Bonnie Brook's Red OS FDHF (7.5 years)
Jolly Again of Ouilmette CD *** OS (12.5 years)
Penny's Pollyanna
Nancy's Golden Dawn OD
H M Golden Flame

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