
Golden Retriever

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Riley, Jr. x Mona

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Riley, Jr. x Mona
GCHB CH Bravo Rycroft's A Wrink L N Thyme BN RN CGC TKN (OFA GR-EL22833M24-VPI)
MWM Frozen In Thyme CCA (OFA GR-EL16228M31-PI)
GCH CH MWM Rycroft's Frozen Solid OD (OFA GR-EL16239F31-PI)
BISS CH. Amberac's Hi Thyme Rycroft OS SDHF
Amberac's Tootzee Pop
Amberac's Little Deuce Coupe
Amberac's Myriah Stargazer OD
Am. CH. Amberac's Casino Royale
Am. CH. Libra Malagold Coriander OS SDHF
Malagold Lightening
Am. CH Malagold Kimberly's Token
Libra Malagold Cosmos O'Dasu CD
Am Ch Libra Malagold Clover OD
Libra Doublin McMartin
Libra Ruddy Yancey
Libra Summer Sunshine
Libra Cameron Of Winthrop
Libra Contender's Dallas
Amberac's Lolla Pulooza OD
Amberac Gold Of Willow Acres
Am./Can. CH. Amberac Ramala Ramblin Rogue Can. CD
Amberac's Crackerjack Kilo
Amberac's Topaz Treasure UD
Am CH Amberac Tackled Mybowser OS
Am CH MWM Bound For Glory OD
MWM Cafe Latte Lady Kirby
Am. CH Highmark's Cowboy Coffee SDHF, OS
AmCH Highmark's Belle Star
Am./Mex. CH. Sheriff Bart Of Highmark
Ch Highmark Heigh Ho Silver
Highmarks Pecos River Queen
MWM Luck Be A Lady
Am. CH. MWM Luck Of The Draw
MWM Smith's Lucky Disney
Bravo's Just To C U Smile (OFA GR-EL15949F27-NOPI)
Bravo's Arrived Just In Time
CH Bravo's Just Desserts AX, AXJ (OFA GR-EL15549F25-PI)
CH Stonecrest's Secret Stash WC OS (OFA GR-EL5277M37-PI)
CH Stonecrest Mad About You
Stonecrest Sky's Lark UD RE NA NAJ CGC WC CCA VC
Stonecrest SGT Pepper
Stonecrest Sure Fire Roxy
Stonecrest Gord's Gold
Am Ch Stonecrest Sirius Sensation WC (OFA GR-EL10239F52-PI)
Stonecrest's Sweet Sunshine (OFA GR-EL4008M25-PI)
Stonecrest's Life Of Reilly
CH Stonecrest's For Keeps (OFA GR-EL6050M24-NOPI)
Am. CH Quail Run's Belfast Bruiser OS
Quail Run's Shameless Hussy CD, MX, MXJ (OFA GR-EL2629-T)
Quail Run's Monaco Magic
Quail Run's Buckley
Quail Run's Soulfully Sung
Stonecrest Sky's The Limit OD (OFA GR-EL1592F24)
Am/Can Ch Stonecrest Radio Flyer WC (OFA GR-EL2723-T)
Stonecrest's Xmas Surprize
Stonecrest Lucky Star
Stonecrest Tahoe Sunrise Of Magnum
Stonecrest 's Who'd've Believed
Stonecrest 's I'm Gunna Get Ya
Stonecrest Believe It Or Not (OFA GR-EL1322)
Am Ch Stonecrest's Ringside Chatter (OFA GR-EL1339F24)
Stonecrest's K.C. At Bat
Stonecrest's Solo Flight (OFA GR-EL1384F25)
Stonecrest's How We Were We
CH Bravo's Bahama Mama (OFA GR-EL5123F36-PI)
Bravo Sheffield Sex On The Beach (OFA GR-EL04835-PI)
CH Bravo's Paco Rabanne
Am/Can/Int'l CH Bravo HuntChase Alabama Slammer (OFA GR-EL10067M69-PI)
BISS CH Bravo Apollo's Southern Comfort SDHF OS
Bravo's Chanel Allure JH
BISS CH Bravo's Old Spice SDHF OS (OFA GR-EL11702M94-PI)
AM/MEX/AMS/WC CH Sheffield-Ducat's Spellbound SDHF, OS (OFA GR-EL4834M80-PI)
Sheffield-Ducat's Rebecca
Ducat-Sheffield N X NW CD
Ducat's Sheffield's Saboteur
Am. CH Sheffield-Ducat's Suspicion JH (OFA GR-EL5861F83-PI)
Ginge Ain't Whistling Dixie OD
Ginge Dashing N' Debonair
Ginge Lyric Frankly My Dear
Ginge Ruff And Ready
Ginge Advent O Ashley

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