
Golden Retriever

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Arlett (Karvin Trendsetter x Zunda Auksine Viltis

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Arlett (Karvin Trendsetter x Zunda Auksine Viltis
Anita (BCU 111-000091) Field Trial Qualified (14 years)
Grand Champion BLR, ChRus, BLR, JChBLR Alma (Karvin Trendsetter x Zunda Auksine Viltis)
Rus,Ua,Bye Ch. Karvin Trendsetter
Karvin Timberjack
Karvin Tiffanys
Fin Ch Karvin Toscana
Karvin Tarantino (12.5 years)
Fin Ch Karvin Truman
Karvin Tia Maria (12.5 years)
Polish CH Karvin Travolta (14 years)
INT & FIN & EST CH ESTW-2002 Pauclare Phylanderer Top Stud Dog 2004 (11.5 years)
Pauclare Peach Frost
Pauclare Pussy Willow
Aust. CH. Standfast Dream Ticket From Kerrien (13.5 years)
Standfast Del Rio of Hayjoy
Eng. SH. CH. Standfast Desdemona of Crowood JW (13 years)
Pauclare Pierian Spring
Pauclare Party Time
Pauclare Pure Sensation
Pauclare Penny Princess
Pauclare Platinum
Pauclare Prim'n Proper
Int & Fin Ch Pauclare Pot of Gold (12.5 years)
Karvin Casablanca (13 years)
CH. Gill's Garfield (8 years)
Gill's Glansbild (13 years)
FINUCH Chevanne Snow N'Ice (12.5 years)
Chevanne High 'N' Mighty
Chevanne Ann'N Gorgeous
Chevanne Buttons'n Bows
Rus,Bye Ch. Zunda Auksine Viltis (11.5 years)
Zoro Vilties spindulys
Zoro Auksine Viltis
ChLit, Lat, Est, Bye, Bal Britanis Herkus
LTU,LV,RUS CH Blansa Herkus (15.5 years)
Baleta Herkus
Int.Ch.,PL&Hu.Ch, PL.J.Ch. Chicago of Top Team
Carna Of Top Team
C'Shirene of Top Team
Candidat of Top Team
Ciccolina of Top Team
Candida Of Top Team
Crown Royal of Top Team
Cinderella of Top Team
LTU CH Lady Minevra Oligarchia (10 years)
LODOVIC Oligarchia
PL Ch. La Scala Oligarchia
Lady Godiva Oligarchia
Chloja Gold Vilties Spindulys
Candy White Vilties Spindulys
LT JCH LT & RUS & BY & LV & CH Cammiu Strong Vilties Spindulys
Pl. Ch. Complement Uno Voce
Int.Ch., Pl.Ch. Complement Unikat Nando
Complement Umpire
Complement Ultima Ratio Regum
Complement Ukulele
Complement Uwaga Jestem
Complement UNCJA ZLOTA
Complement Zingarella
Complement Zattavia (2 years)
Pl.Ch. Complement Zalotna Zuza

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