
Golden Retriever

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Wysiwyg This Is It

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Wysiwyg This Is It
Wysiwyg All ThtGlitrs IzpureGld
RBIS Aust./ Can./UKC Ch Camelot Quapaw's To Oz & Back CCA (13.5 years)
Camelot's Keeper Of The Flame
Camelot's Embers To Ashes (13.5 years)
Camelot's Don't Forget The Lime TDI
Camelot's Hearts A Fire (14 years)
Camelot's And I Love Her (14.5 years)
ARCHX Camelot's Ready To Rumble CD, RE, CGC, CCA, RL1X, RL2X, RL3 (13.5 years)
Camelot's Okeechobee Intoxication CCA (12.5 years)
Wysiwyg Minnesota Fats
Wysiwyg The Hustler
Wysiwyg Trick Shot (16 years)
Aust. Grand Ch. Goldtreve Camrose Kyva
IND.CH. Goldtreve Camrose Viola
Aust Ch Goldtreve Camrose Tia
Aust Ch/NZ Ch Goldtreve Camrose Kraka
Aust Champion Goldtreve Camrose Stellar
Aust. CH. Goldtreve Camrose Tango
Wysiwyg Flag Carrier
Wysiwyg Foreign Interest
Wysiwyg American Revel
Aust Ch Wysiwyg The Beat Goes On (5.5 years)
Aust Ch Wysiwyg Play It Again (12 years)
RBIS Aust./ Can./UKC Ch Camelot Quapaw's To Oz & Back CCA (13.5 years)
Camelot's Keeper Of The Flame
Camelot's Embers To Ashes (13.5 years)
Camelot's Don't Forget The Lime TDI
Camelot's Hearts A Fire (14 years)
Camelot's And I Love Her (14.5 years)
ARCHX Camelot's Ready To Rumble CD, RE, CGC, CCA, RL1X, RL2X, RL3 (13.5 years)
Camelot's Okeechobee Intoxication CCA (12.5 years)
Aust. Ch. Wysiwyg Just Push Play
Wysiwyg Just U Wait
Wysiwyg Just Awesome (Carer Dog)
Aust Ch Savaneta Worth The Wait (AI) CCD ET
Savaneta Chills N Thrills (AI)
Savaneta Believe It Or Not (AI)
Savaneta Secret Weapon (AI)
Aust Ch Savaneta Almost Heaven (AI)
Kingsgold Special Issue (AI)
Kingsgold Special Edition (AI)
Kingsgold Special Vintage (AI)
Kingsgold Special Request TD (AI)

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