
Golden Retriever

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Reynbeau Zephyr

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Reynbeau Zephyr (AKC SD696220)
Am. CH Mandalaro Sunrise Supreme (AKC SD424701)
Can. CH Mandalaro Sunrise Shoneen OD (CKC NU267958)
Mandalaro Sunrise Saraband CD WC (AKC SD432207)
CanCH Mandalaro Sunrise Citation AmCD (AKC SE032100)
Can CH Mandalaro Sunrise Cynosure (CKC NU267955)
Am CH Goldwing True Bear OS SDHF (AKC SC407652 (8/79))
Goldwing's Copper Lee Anne (AKC SC869961)
Am Can Bah CH Goldwing Le Cordon Bleu CD WCX SDHF (AKC SC845260 (7-82))
Am CH Goldwing True Blue CD TD WC (AKC SC418223)
Am CH Goldwing Gold-Rush Dream We'vr (AKC SC968428 (12-82))
Goldwing's Mellow Yellow (AKC SD468560)
AM CH Goldwing Ruf Ryder of Sarrin TD (AKC SC930739)
Am. CH. Goldwing Blues Boy UD WC VCX OS SDHF (AKC SC995325 (1/82))
Am CH Goldwing Blue's Serenade (AKC SC980197)
BISS Am Can CH Gold-Rush's Great Teddy Bear OS SDHF (AKC SB555537 (5-76))
Am. Mex. Ch. Combo Gold Rush Of-Golden Pine CDX WCX (AKC SB523102 (2-76))
Am CH Golden Pine Angel's Seraphim (AKC SB473462)
Am CH Gold-Rush Chance For Mirkwood (AKC SC423630)
Am CH Gold-Rush Prospector (AKC SC524492)
Can CH Gold-Rush Meryl-T-Valentine CanCD OS SDHF (AKC SC404250)
Gold-Rush Charlie's Chance (AKC SC042971)
Gold-Rush Buccaneer (AKC SB584327 (5/76))
Am CH Russo's Gold-Rush Willow (AKC SC086757 (8-78))
Gold-Rush Sunset Shadow (AKC SB785655)
Binger's Gold-Rush Rock (AKC SC392185)
Gold-Rush Buckskin Joe (AKC SB794002 (5/1977))
Am CH Gold-Rush's Gold Dust Barney (AKC SB779511)
Am./Can. CH. Southern's Gold-Rush Traveler OS SDHF (AKC SC074688 (12-78))
Gold Rush Palomino Pony UD WC (AKC SC375036 (12-82))
Am. CH Goldwing Rhythm-N-Blue OD (AKC SB816229 (7-78))
Am Ch. Goldwing's Pink Panther (AKC SC086956)
Goldwing Just-A-Second (AKC SB805498 (2-77))
Am CH Goldwing's Cadillac Jack (AKC SC129844)
Am CH Golden Pine's Just In Time (AKC SB728910)
Am CH Goldwing Temerity CD (AKC SB748936)
Am CH Goldwing's Tiffany OD (AKC SC090996 (5-79))
Am CH Goldwing Royal Elegance CDX (AKC SC085578 (6-80))
Can CH Beaumaris Genevieve Can OD (AKC SC516274)
Am./Can. CH Beaumaris Flying Chelsea Guy Am./Can. CD WC VC (AKC SC545376)
Beaumaris Flying Scotsman CD (AKC SC071178 (6-78))
Beaumaris English Chablis (AKC SC301515 (4-80))
Can. CH Beaumaris English Jubilee Can. CD OD (AKC SC301514)
Beaumaris English Sixpence (AKC SC301523)
Beaumaris Scottish Plaid (AKC SC144307)
Am. CH. Beaumaris Sunshine Scotsman CD OS (AKC SC207786)
Beaumaris Brau Bricht Bairn CD (AKC SC119557 (11/1979))
Am. CH Beaumaris Gabrielle CD (AKC SB513325 (12/77))
Beaumaris Glengary (AKC SB523142)
Am. CH Beaumaris Gabrielle CD (AKC SB513325 (12/77))
Beaumaris Glengary (AKC SB523142)
Am./Can. CH. Golden Pine's Courvoisier Am./Can. CDX WCX Can. WC OS (AKC SA996971 (3/74))
Meadowlarks of Golden Pines (AKC SB267170)
Am. CH. Golden Pine Glorybe OD (AKC SA721919 (3/72))
Golden Pine's Ray of Sunshine (AKC SB061851 (5/74))
Am./Can. CH. Golden Pine's Gradene's JD CDX WC Can. CD OS (AKC SA958931 (11-73))
Am. CH. Golden Pine's Full House CD OS SDHF (AKC SB004530 (3/1974))
Am. CH. Golden Pine's Lord Clyde (AKC SA820543 (4/71))
Ch Golden Pine Heavenly Days UD (AKC SA-749532)
Am. CH. Misty Morn's Sunset CD TD WC OS SDHF (AKC SA464440 (3/1969))
Sweetwood's Champagne Mist CD (AKC SA647863 (11/1972))
Golden Sunset XIII (AKC SB286488 (1/1974))
Sunbeam of Hollabird (AKC SA649746 (2-71))
Sunset of Hollabird (AKC SA649745 (2-71))
Sunrise of Hollabird (AKC SA537675)
Watchung's Golden Mist (AKC SA433546 (10/70))
Am. CH. Golden Pine's Punkin Pi CD OD (AKC SA423852 (2/70))
Belle Mount Digger's Polly (AKC SA437502 (12/68))
Am. CH. Beaumaris Brilliant-Fawn (AKC SA741567 (1/74))
Beaumaris Autumn Dusk (AKC SA523437 (11-71))
Am. CH. Beaumaris Baloo Of Rexford II CD (AKC SA-739865)
Am. CH. Beaumaris Brocade CD (AKC SA754440 (6-73))
Beaumaris Autumn Honey WC (AKC SA523171 (3/70))
Beaumaris Autumn Holiday (AKC SA523201 (12/70))
Am. CH. Leygore Munster Monarch UD WC (AKC SA449150 (2/68))
Leygore Munster Memory (AKC SA454807 (7/68))
Goldenloe's Glory Be (AKC SA182702 (2/68))
Am. CH. Goldenloe's Blaze of Glory (AKC SA-182708 (8/65))
Goldenloe's Spirit Of Glory (AKC SA182706 (2/68))
Goldenloe's Sun Bronze (AKC SA338318)
Goldenloe's Tansation (AKC SA338320 (4/67))
Am. CH. Goldenloe's Glory Dawn UD WC (AKC SA182707 (4/1966))
Am. CH. Goldenloe's Moment Of Glory (AKC SA-182705)
Am. CH. Goldenloe's Bronze Lustre (AKC SA-338319)
Am. CH. Goldenloe's Tanfastic CDX SDHF OS (AKC SA338313 (10/68))

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