
Golden Retriever

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Dicken's Sea Ripple Particles

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Dicken's Sea Ripple Particles
Delta Destination Infinite Energy
Eng. CH. Catcombe Cock A Doodle Doo JW (6:6)
Catcombe Canoodle (7:5)
Catcombe Cha Cha Cha (6:4)
Eng. Ch. Catcombe Corblimey JW (BVA 9:6)
Catcombe Cooee (5:6)
Rosaceae Ideal Forecast at Purbarn (BVA Hip Score 4:6)
Eng SH CH Rosaceae Ivory Lace At Amirene (BVA 4:5)
Rosaceae Indian Prince Of Bridgefarm JW (BVA Hip Score 3:4)
Rosaceae Ivory Silk (8:6)
Catcombe Cheerio (BVA 11:15)
Catcombe Challenge (0-0)
Catcombe Cosset (7/7)
catcombe cloudy day
Millgreen Ceasar of Catcombe (4/6)
Millgreen My Cherie Amour at Eastbury (8:5)
Millgreen Makin Whoopee (BVA 8 : 8)
Catcombe Cosy (BVA Hip Score 5:3)
Catcombe Coign (9:17)
Catcombe Chuffie (25:23)
Catcombe Country Duchess (28:33)
Australian Desert Rose (8:6)
Auckland Bay (4:5)
Dual Ch. PI.Ch. Royal Crest Gold-N Over The Rainbow (3:4)
Royal Crest Gold-n Double Eagle (4:7 BVA)
Royal Crest Gold-N Doubletake
Royal Crest Gold-N Doubledare
It. Ch.,Int.Ch Royal Crest Gold-n Double Indemnity
Granroche Classic Love
Dual Ch. Summit Royalcrest Dexas Gold (7:7 BVA)
Summit's Winston Churchill (OFA GR-46385G29M)
Am. CH Summit's I've Got Rhythm (OFA GR-43724F24F)
Am. CH Summits Mai Tai
Summits Sonic Boom (OFA GR-45921G31M)
Pl. Ch. Int. Ch. Endelwood Just Jasmine For Royal Crest (2:2 BVA)
It. Ch. Endelwood Just Johnny (5:5)
DUAL CH -CH. IB/CH B&B / CH FT Fr/An Endelwood Make my Day Trialer (A1/A1)
Justrocco Endelwood
Ch.Rip. Royal Crest Gold-N Seven Hills (1:1)
It. Ch. Royal Crest Gold-n Vulpecola (Willis 8)
UK SH. CH. Royal Crest Gold-N Seven Up at Lorinford (BVA Hip Score 3:3)
It. Ch. / Ch.Rip Royal Crest Gold-N Seveneleven
Vice-WW'01 Royal Crest Gold-n Seven Bar Seven with Lorinford (BVA Hip Score 3:3)
It. Sh. Ch. Royal Crest Gold-N Lynx (BVA 4:4)
royal crest gold-n pegasus
Pl. Ch. Royal Crest USA Direct (BVA 5:3)
Int Ch, Italian Ch. Royal Crest Gold-N Ballistic Gza-Gza (3-2)
CHIB CHTF Sonic Boom Royal Crest
Silent Speed of Sound
Golden Channel of Funnyline
It.Soc.Ch. Rachenco Strings Of Pearls (BVA Hip Score 7:10)
Rachenco April Pearl of Invergoil (BVA Hip Score 25:25)
Rachenco April Princess
Rachenco April Gold At Tatefield
Rachenco April Star

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