
Golden Retriever

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Sirius Run Forest Run

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Sirius Run Forest Run (CKC WL295082)
Sirius Summer Skye (CKC WL295071)
Sirius June's Flower (CKC WL295069)
Sirius Guinness (CKC WL295088)
Sirius Raffael (CKC WL295061)
Sirius Honey Bee (CKC WL295075)
Sirius Magie de Luna (CKC WL295076)
Sirius Bella (CKC WL295080)
Sirius Maxemillien (CKC WL295087)
Sirius Ekho's Spirit (CKC XJ354772)
Sirius Leonardo (CKC XJ354775)
Sirius Sachi (CKC XJ354774)
Sirius my Best Buddy Justin (CKC XJ354776)
Sirius Scotch Glenfiddich (CKC XJ354777)
Can. CH. Lynwood's Gyrfalcon Belcanto
CanOTCH Laurel's Meadowlark At Lynwood SH WCX (CKC SE076441)
Monty's Nighthawk of Lynwood
Lynwood Sandpiper
Lynwood Golden Sunbird
Lynwood's Golden Whistler
Lynwood's Snowbird
Lynwood's Songbird
Lynwood's Bird of Paradise
Lynwood's Golden Swallow
Lynwood's Chickadee
Can Ch Tashora The Odds Are At Kyon OS (CKC NW919593)
Tashora Four Leaf Clover
Can Ch Tashora Major Majong CGN (CKC NW919599)
WW-00 EuW-00 FinW-99 ITW-00 PLW-00 C.I.B. Fi Ch Lorinford Harlequin Top Winning Golden 1999&2000 in Finland (FCI SF02124/93)
Lorinford Holly Hobble (Other KC Reg. S3694207S03)
Lorinford Halfpenny At Hydanthe (Other KCSB 4185CJ)
Lorinford Leona (Other KC Reg. T5608406T04)
Can. CH. Tashora Ranchosiera Moonstruck GRCC OD (CKC KL672929)
Tashora Spotlight On Gladstone Can CD, WC, Am. CD (CKC LG730826)
Tashora Guiding Light (CKC LG730820)
Castlerock Shimmering Star CanCD WCX AmWC JH CCA (Other KC Reg. AD03470407)
Castlerock Star Attraction (AD03470406)
Castlerock Shooting Star (UKC AD03470401)
Ramchaine Rags to Riches for Castlerock JW (Other KCSB 3448CN)
Remington Reflection of Castlerock (UKC 0633CK)
Remington Roberta Bolebel
CH Remington Rockafeller (S13422/2001)
Remington Rob Roy Of Ipcress JW
Remington Regal Scot of Raffleson
UK Sh Ch / Dutch Ch / German Ch / VDH Ch Remington Requisite Of Ramchaine
Eng.Sh.Ch Remington Remember Me KCJW (UKC KC)
Sirius April Skye (CKC PG937978)
Sirius Angel Kiss Brandie (CKC PG937979)
Sirius Biscuit (CKC PG937981)
Sirius Maggie Mai (CKC PG937983)
Sirius Angel 'S' Maya (CKC PG937985)
Sirius Spicy Ceasar (CKC PG937987)
Sirius Casper Fant?me d'Amour (CKC PG937989)
Sirius Zeke (CKC PG937991)
Sirius Thunder Storm (CKC PG937994)
Sirius Turbo's Buddy (CKC PG937997)
Sirius Sir Sam (CKC PG938004)
Can. Ch. Shaynedoro Oncemorewithfeeling (CKC KN686985)
Shaynedoro Encoretohearthside (AKC SN84788401)
Can CH Shaynedoro Everlasting Encore (AKC SN84788601 (11-03))
Am /CanCH Justmoor Believe In Me Am-Can OS (AKC SN10794901)
Am Can CH Justmoor Maybe It Was Memphis (AKC SN061064/01)
Am Can CH Justmoor Believe It Or Not (AKC SN029777/01)
Am CH Justmoor's Born To Be Wild (AKC SM999264/01)
Can CH Brookshire's Judy Garland (CKC YY982170)
Am. CH Brookshire's Ella Fitzgerald (AKC SN010030/01)
Can. Ch. Brookshire's Jessica Tandy CD Am Can OD (CKC YY982165)
Sirius Angel of Kindness (CKC HA493330)
Sirius Renoir (CKC HA493331)
Sirius Tobie's Teddy Bear (CKC HA493334)
Sirius Mackenzie Chilkoot (CKC HA493337)
Sirius Wallace (CKC HA493340)
Sirius Georges (CKC HA493341)
Reedbank Renoir (CKC 1060066)
Sunkozi Sterling Silver (CKC YC899584)
Sunkozi's Alano Kiesha (CKC YC929474)

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