
Golden Retriever

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Braefield's Isle oSkye

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Braefield's Isle oSkye
Braefield Quiditch ThrutheAges
Braefield's Goblet ofFire
Braefield's Chamber ofSecrets
OTCH Braefield Order of the Pheonix
Braefield's Sorceror's Stone WC, JH
Braefield's Harry Potter
Braefield's Seeker at Ireland (OFA GR-104558G27M-VPI)
Braefield's Golden Pheonix
Braefield Prisoner ofAzkaban
Braefield Philosopher's Stone (OVC 0040845)
Braefield's Cast A Spell (OVC 0040737)
Braefield's Bim Bam Alakazam
Can Ch Dewmist Silver Diamond (OVC 0026075)
GBZ JCH Dewmist Silver Zampanzar (A (2004))
Dewmist Silver Drake (2004-09-27 HD grad A)
ChRus, RKF, RRC, JChRus Dewmist Silver Dust
Dewmist Silver Dawn
Dewmist Silver Dame (2004-08-03 HD grad B)
Dewmist Silver Day (2004-09-07 HD grad A)
Dewmist Silver Dahlia (2004-12-29 HD grad C)
Dewmist Silver Dime (2005-10-27 HD grad C)
SE U(U)CH Telkaro Diamond Dust (Sweden HD B (1/30/2002))
Telkaro Rough Diamond JW (13:7)
Telkaro Diamond Wedding with Jonsen (4:8)
SuCh Dewmist Silveretta (Sweden HD AA (6/14/2000))
Dewmist Silverdella (Sweden HD AA (09/05/2000))
Dewmist Silverander (Sweden HD A (09/08/2000))
Can Ch. , Swe Sh. Ch. , N Ch. , KbhW-04 Dewmist Silverinda (Sweden HD AA (5/30/2000))
EW''01,Isr Ch Dewmist Silveranda (B1)
Braefield's Hocus Pocus (OVC # 0030096)
Braefield's Black Magic Woman (Normal January 2006)
Braefield's Gryffindor Magic (OVC #0030097)
Braefield's Magic Tricks
Braefield's Magical Charm
Braefield's Hoodoo Voodoo
Braefield's Magic Princess
Braefield's Myths 'N Magic
Can Ch Chrys-haefen Prince of Thieves Can CDX (OVC # 015922)
Chrys-Haefen Maid Marion
Sherhaven Braefield Abracdabra CD, WC (OVC 014193)
Sherhaven's Thyme for Shelby
Sherhaven's Thyme for Bailey
Sherhaven's Spring Spirit
Sherhaven's Taylor Fladgate
Sherhaven's Miss Daisy May
Sherhaven's Ginger Snap
Sherhaven's Coriander (OVC 015066)
Sherhaven's Anise
Sherhaven's Life with Riley
Can Ch Braefield's Book O' Wishes WC (OVC 0027966)
Braefield's Wish U Were Here J
Braefield's Wishful Thinking
Braefield's Wishes Come True
Braefield's Dreams 'N Wishes
Braefield's Wish Upon A Star
Braefield's All I Could Wish For
Braefield's Xmas Wish
Braefield's Champagne Wishes
Can CH Kyon's True Patriot Love (OVC 016849)
Can. CH. Kyon's Illicit Love (Clear (2003))
Kyon's Love Potion
Kyon's Love Conquers All
Can Ch Kyon's Hot Bugsey OS (OFA GR-73409G25M-PI)
CanCH Kyon's Passionate Embrace (OVC normal)
Kyon's Passionate Nights (OFA GR-64671 G24M)
Can. CH. Kyon's Passion Play (OFA GR-65860F27F-T)
Sherhaven Trilogy of Braefield CD, WC, JH (OFA GR-69748G24F-T)
Can. CH OTCH SR Sherhaven's Spenser For Hire RA WCX SH TD GRCC VCX VHOF OHOF Am. WCX JH CD TT (OFA GR-70587G27M-PI)
Sherhaven's Astronomical
Sherhaven's Mad about Madeline
Sherhaven's Righteous Riley
Sherhaven's Dexter
Sherhaven's Georgia on My Mind
Am. CH OTCH Wingmasters Ounce Of Gold UDX WC VCX Can. CD GRCA OS (OFA GR-40686G24M)
U-UD Wingmaster's Just My Style UD JH MX AXJ WCX OBHF Can. CDX CGC
Wingmaster's Dances With Ducks JH WC (OFA GR-57282G77M)
Wingmaster Deux Caret (OFA GR-40599F24F)
Wingmaster Brandy Of Brentwd
OTCH Wingmasters Autumn Daybreak UDX JH WC OD OBHF (OFA GR-40722G24F)
Sherhaven Rimfire Daisy Chain (OFA GR-45551F26F-T)
Sherhaven Rimfire Excalibur CanCDX

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