
Golden Retriever

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Backgammon's Sheza Page Turner CCA

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Backgammon's Sheza Page Turner CCA
Backgammons Trace Of A Golden Jackpot
BISS Am GCH Am/Can CH Yukon's Turn The Page Am/Can OS (15 years)
Am. Can. Ch. Yukon's Road House (10 years)
BISS CH Bravo's Old Spice SDHF OS (8.5 years)
Bravo Sheffield Sex On The Beach
CH Bravo's Paco Rabanne
Am/Can/Int'l CH Bravo HuntChase Alabama Slammer (9 years)
BISS CH Bravo Apollo's Southern Comfort SDHF OS (10.5 years)
Bravo's Chanel Allure JH (14 years)
CH Bravo's Bahama Mama (10 years)
AM/MEX/AMS/WC CH Sheffield-Ducat's Spellbound SDHF, OS (13 years)
Sheffield-Ducat's Rebecca
Ducat-Sheffield N X NW CD
Ducat's Sheffield's Saboteur (14.5 years)
Am. CH Sheffield-Ducat's Suspicion JH (14 years)
Ginge Ain't Whistling Dixie OD (9 years)
Ginge Dashing N' Debonair
Ginge Lyric Frankly My Dear
Ginge Ruff And Ready
Ginge Advent O Ashley
Am. Can. CH Thornelea Yukon's Reba (14.5 years)
Thorneleas Indiana
Am Can Ch Thornelea Dennis CGC (13 years)
Thornelea's Winsome Gretchen TD CD (11 years)
Thorneleas Abigail (8.5 years)
Am. CH. Thornelea Lukens Luke CDX SH OJP, OAP WCX VCX CGC Can. CD (8.5 years)
Am Ch Thornelea Roger (9.5 years)
Backgammon's Sheza Tilly Witch CCA (10 years)
Backgammon's Forever Mine CCA (11.5 years)
BIS BISS Am CH Lovejoy's Catchme If U CanCan SDHF Am and Can OS (13.5 years)
Sg's My Sunny Day
Sg's Hold Me Closer
Sg's Anybody's Choice
Sg's Ready To Play
Sg's Yours And Yours Alone
CH Backgammon's Mad About You (12 years)
Backgammon's Grand Illusion CCA (14.5 years)
Backgammon's North Star CD RN TDX (14 years)
Gemstar's Sweetest Taboo CCA (11 years)
Can. CH. Gemstar's American Pie CGC
Am. CH. Tahnee Tupelo Xmas Cordial OS (14 years)
Tahnee Xmas Sugar Cookie
CH Tahnee's Last Resort WC OD (11 years)
Ch. Tahnee Xmas Cinnamon Spritz (10.5 years)
Tahnees Last Days Of Summer
Tahnee Last Of The Red Hot Lovers
Tahnee Iroquois Golden Girl
Tahnee's Last Gunfighter
Tahner Last Sparkle Sunshine
Thanee Doogie Bowser
Tahnee Xmas Plum Pudding
Tahnee Xmas Linzer
AmCan CH Gemstar's Counter To Counter
Am./Can. CH Gemstar Good Run of Bad Luck (11 years)
Gemstar's Seminole Wind
BISS Am Can CH Gemstar's Indigo Blue GRCC/GRCA OS (11 years)

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