K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Keepsake's Brickhouse

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Keepsake's Brickhouse
Keepsake Bella Rose
Keepsake Red Barron II
Keepsake Punkin at Aspenwood
Keepsake Windfall Solar Flare
Keepsake Red Baron II
Keepsake's Gulliver Travels
Keepsake's Pecan Praline
Keepsake's I Love Lucy
Keepsake's Almond Torte
Scrimshaw Placido Flamingo (12 years)
AmCH Scrimshaw Duckless Fairbank JH WC (10.5 years)
CanCH Scrimshaw's Making Waves
Scrimshaw Paddlin Madeline
AmCH Scrimshaw The House Rector JH
Scrimshaw Sink Or Swim
Scrimshaw Downtown Brown
Can.Ch. Scrimshaw Saving Grace
Scrimshaw Show Boat
Henderland Candach
Henderland Beaver
Henderland Bramble
Kelleygreens Lady In Red
Balrion Red Alert
Balrion Red Baron
Balrion Reddy and Able
Balrion Scarlet Woman
Balrion Reddy For Anything
Kelleygreens Fashion Design CD
Keepsake's Tiger Lily
Keepsake's Drift'n Dickens
BISS CH Tabatha's Drifter At Dickendall JH (11.5 years)
Am CH Tabatha's Dazzle WC
AmCH Tabatha's Delectable
Kelleygreens Lady In Red
Helluva Keepsake
Balrion Red Alert
Balrion Red Baron
Balrion Reddy and Able
Balrion Scarlet Woman
Balrion Reddy For Anything
Keepsake Daphne

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