K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Henning Mill Kelleygreen Henna

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Henning Mill Kelleygreen Henna (OFA LR-63463G28F)
Am CH Hennings Mill Lubberline Jib (OFA LR-61085E24F)
Hennings Mill Black Genesis (OFA Good)
Hennings Mill The Big Chill
Hennings Mill Scandal of Centre Court (OFA Good)
Am CH Scartho Frost (OFA LR-53023G30M-T)
Scartho April Fern (BVA 7/6)
Sh CH Simandem Kings Neptune (BVA 6/4)
Simandem King Jester
Simandem Storm Dancer
IT Ch Simandem King Solomen
Simandem Storm Force from Balrion
GB.Sh.Ch. Balrion Kings Ransom (BVA 4/9)
Balrion Star Quality
SA Ch Balrion King Of The Hill Of Breckondale
Balrion Star Attraction
C.C.W. Balrion Imperial Star (BVA 2:5)
Balrion Kings Knight (OFA LR-16364)
Balrion Star Time
Simandem Ocean Calm
Eng Sh CH Scartho Briar Crest
GB ShCh Stajantors Dam Buster
Greenworth Stable Maid
Am CH Rocheby Rippling Corn
Rocheby Prim N' Proper (BVA 5:5)
Rocheby Pearl (FCI 0)
IR ShCh Rocheby Rolling Stone (BVA 8:8)
Sh Ch Rocheby Popcorn (BVA 3:5)
Sh Ch Rocheby Polkadot (BVA 5:7)
Rocheby Rolling Home
Rocheby Royal Mail
Rocheby Cornflower of Amesleagh
Rocheby Rich Tea
Rocheby Royale Ark (BVA 17/16)
Rocheby Plain'N Simple (OFA LR-67572E28F)
Eng Sh Ch Rocheby Whisky Mac (BVA 5/4)
Rocheby Butterkist (FCI A)
Eng CH Rocheby Royal Oak (8/8)
Rocheby Pride'N Prejudice (A1)
Rocheby Peaches'n Cream
Poolstead Pretentious At Rocheby (BVA 3/3)
Poolstead Pretence
Poolstead Pretension
Poolstead Pretend
Eng Sh Ch Poolstead Preferential
Poolstead Princely Gift
Poolstead Premonition (1)
Poolstead Preference
Poolstead Promoter
Poolstead Prefix
IR Ch Poolstead Predictable
Poolstead Precision of Insley
Poolstead Precious Pearl
Poolstead Precious Emerald of Rocheby
Poolstead Precious Gift
Poolstead Precious Gem
Poolstead Precious Diamond
Eng Sh Ch Rocheby Acorn (BVA 6/6)
Rocheby Play The Game
Rocheby Oakapple
Playmate of Bensondale
Happy Go Lucky (dau of Lyndhurst Rhumba)
Rocheby Polished Oak (BVA 3/6)

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